May 7 / Proverbs 8-9

Proverbs 8-9


So, how are we doing? Are any of us, in fact, seeking wisdom? Or are we just reading along through Proverbs, maybe skimming over the comments from last year, and going about our day with barely a further thought toward gaining wisdom? Are we (re)evaluating the paths we are on, asking whether we need any course corrections? Are we spending even ten seconds scrutinizing our own long-held political positions, asking whether they are wise or foolish? (And yes, I am asking you, not the other party.) Are we evaluating our sources of news and information and whether they reflect any sense of the fear of the LORD? Are we willing to admit mistakes and accept correction? Are we on a path toward life or toward death? Are we moving toward the LORD or away from Him?

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  1. Good questions, John! It is way too easy to read Proverbs and think, “I’ve already got this,” instead of letting it reveal those things that need revisiting in my life. Each chapter of the Bible is ever fresh, if I let it be so.

    Reading the comments from last year is also both challenging and encouraging. May 27, for example, reaffirms the idea that wisdom is an attribute of God—embodied in Him, uncreated and eternal. I can chew on that all day and not exhaust it…

    1. Thanks so much for commenting, Carol. It’s good to hear that God’s Word is touching you.

      Anybody else?

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