October 18 / I Peter 1:10-16

I Peter 1:10-16 At some point in my reading today I began to realize that Peter was getting really personal with his readers. Then I counted how many times “you” and its derivatives were used in these seven verses: Twelve times! Plus eleven times in yesterday’s nine verses and eleven more times in tomorrow’s nine …

October 17 / I Peter 1:1-9

I Peter 1:1-9 So today we leave Paul’s letters and move on to Peter. We are still working chronologically, according to The Chronological Study Bible authors. You may be imagining (as did I) that we covered Acts, then began with Paul’s letters. In fact, however, we had both Galatians and James interspersed with Acts back …

October 16 / II Timothy 4:16-22

II Timothy 4:16-22 So today we end Paul’s letters (according to The Chronological Study Bible). I found myself with a solemn spirit as I read those last written words. I’ve already been “mourning” Paul’s time in prison – alone, dark, damp, cold. And yet still full of faith, as he reports to Timothy: At my …

October 15 / II Timothy 4:9-15

II Timothy 4:9-15 For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica. (v. 10) What an indictment Paul has laid on Demas! It’s not just the phrase, in love with this present world. It’s also Paul’s use of the word “deserted”. That’s a loaded term! To me it points …

October 14 / II Timothy 4:1-8

II Timothy 4:1-8 …the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (vv. 6b-7) According to the authors of The Chronological Study Bible and other scholars, we are reading Paul’s last written words. He knows that he will soon be executed and …

October 13 / II Timothy 3:10-17

II Timothy 3:10-17 Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted… (v. 12) I have often contrasted the life that Carol and I live with the life that Mark and Tommie Bruner have. Mark and Tommie are constantly beset with problems (yes, some of their own making) and …

October 12 / II Timothy 3:1-9

II Timothy 3:1-9 Debbie’s comments yesterday have bearing today: “Chatter … is to me a distraction from our focus on God.” And Paul has a lot to say about chatter today!! Almost the entire reading has very few positive comments. But positive or not, two items stuck out for me. First,. (v. 5) having the …

October 11 / II Timothy 2:14-26

II Timothy 2:14-26 …not to quarrel about words… (v.14), …avoid irreverent babble… (v. 16), …have swerved from the truth (v. 18), …foolish, ignorant controversies (v. 23), …must not be quarrelsome… (v. 24). In all of these phrases in today’s reading Paul is chastising disputes and false teachings. This must have been a big problem in …

October 10 / II Timothy 2:1-13

II Timothy 2:1-13 Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel. (v. 8) Two very different phrases here remind Timothy that Jesus was divine (risen from the dead) and that He was human (the offspring of David). Thanks to my Study Bible for pointing this out. …for …

October 9 / II Timothy 1:13-18

II Timothy 1:13-18 May the Lord grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, for he … was not ashamed of my chains; … he searched for me earnestly and found me. (vv. 16-17) Here is more evidence of a second imprisonment, following a fourth missionary journey. In contrast we have Luke’s account of Paul’s Roman …