July 19 / Acts 22:1-21

Acts 22:1-21 Today’s reading is now the third account that we have of Paul’s conversion. The first account takes up most of Acts 9. Paul also recounts his conversion in Galatians 1:13-17. The same exact details are not mentioned in all three accounts, so it is difficult to work completely through his conversion, but it …

July 18 / Acts 21:26-40

Acts 21:26-40 …the Jews from Asia, seeing him in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him… (v. 27b) My first thought – the “Jews from Asia” again…!! I was remembering Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe from Paul’s first missionary journey (Acts 13:45, ff.). Then I thought further, that Paul was …

July 17 / Acts 21:17-25

Acts 21:17-25 You may recall from Acts 20:4 that Paul had eight traveling companions (including Luke) who accompanied him to Jerusalem. Presumably they traveled with him as a “safeguard” over the funds that Paul had collected for the relief of the suffering Christians in Jerusalem. (It’s surprising that Luke did not mention this monetary gift …

July 14 / Acts 20:1-16

Acts 20:1-16 We’re a bit chronologically challenged with today’s reading. In The Chronological Study Bible the first three verses in chapter 20 fall between I and II Corinthians. That is, Paul was on the move from Ephesus (after the “Demetrius silversmith” riot in Acts 19) to Macedonia (Thessalonica, Philippi) where he presumably wrote II Corinthians, …

July 13 / Romans 16:17-27

Romans 16:17-27 So today we finish Romans! We’ve been just four days short of three months in I and II Corinthians and Romans, Paul’s longest letters. Tomorrow we move back to Acts for a bit. It’ll be a nice change! Scholars believe that Paul wrote Romans from Corinth. Recall that he had spent 18 months …