I Thessalonians 3:1-13 I would have let you find your own triads today, but there is one that shows up in the NKJV only. Whereas the ESV has …we sent Timothy, our brother and God’s coworker in the gospel of Christ… (v. 2), the NKJV has …Timothy, our brother and minister of God, and our …
Author Archives: Fred
April 5 / I Thess. 2:13-20
I Thessalonians 2:13-20 Please forgive my focus on the triads! But when you look for the triads, you find them. The triad in verse 19 is clear: hope, joy, crown of boasting. But another is more hidden in verses 13 and 14: …you received … and accepted the word of God… (v. 13), you became …
April 4 / I Thess. 2:1-12
I Thessalonians 2:1-12 The triads… Once you are aware of them, you tend to see them quite often. I counted three today; the first two are obvious: …how holy and righteous and blameless was our conduct… (v. 10) and …we exhorted … and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of …
April 3 / I Thess.1:1-10
I Thessalonians 1:1-10 Paul says a lot in these first few verses of his first letter to the Thessalonians. First, there is one small literary item that I’d like to point out. In many of Paul’s letters we will see him speak in triads – three items typically tied together by the conjunction “and”. Here …
April 2 / Acts 18:12-28
Acts 18:12-28 It was hard to organize today’s reading without breaking it up into smaller pieces. There’s a lot going on in these 17 verses. Paul starts in Corinth, moves on to Ephesus, then to Caesarea, then Jerusalem (maybe; see below), then Antioch, then Galatia and Phrygia – with more activity at Ephesus as we …
April 1 / Acts 18:1-11
Acts 18:1-11 A number of different thoughts running through my mind… First, Paul rejects the Jews and says that he’s going to the Gentiles (v. 6). Then we see Crispus, the leader of the synagogue, turning to faith (v. 8) and Paul moving in with Titius Justus, whose house was next to the synagogue. So …
April 2020 Readings
Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Apr Acts 18:1-11 11 02-Apr Acts 18:12-28 17 03-Apr I Thess.1:1-10 10 04-Apr I Thess. 2:1-12 12 05-Apr I Thess. 2:13-20 8 06-Apr I Thess. 3:1-13 13 07-Apr I Thess. 4:1-12 12 08-Apr I Thess. 4:13-18 6 09-Apr I Thess. 5:1-11 11 10-Apr I Thess. 5:12-28 17 11-Apr II Thess. 1:1-12 12 …
March 31 / Acts 17:22-34
Acts 17:22-34 OK, the critical me coming out…, with repentance! In the past I have criticized Paul’s preaching to the Athenians (today’s reading). Yes, who am I to criticize Paul…??!!! Moving on… All of Paul’s sermons (and Peter’s and Philip’s) to date have been kerygmatic. […the preaching of the gospel of Christ, especially in the …
March 30 / Acts 17:10-21
Acts 17:10-21 Carol and I have been intrigued by our Study Bible notes talking about the “Egnatian Way”, how Paul and Silas traveled that road from when they first landed in Macedonia at Neapolis (Acts 16:11) and then stayed on that road to Philippi and Thessalonica. Here’s an interesting online item about that road: “The …
March 29 / Acts 17:1-9
Acts 17:1-9 But the Jews were jealous, and taking some wicked men of the rabble, they formed a mob… (v. 5) This sounds so much like the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem bringing a mob to Gethsemane to arrest Jesus! (BTW, both the NASB and NKJV translate “of the rabble” as “from the marketplace”.) Clearly the …