May 9 / Luke 9:1-6

Luke 9:1-6 “Notice what you notice.” Today is Luke’s account of Jesus sending out the twelve apostles – also much shorter than Matthew’s. My Study Bible points to this reading as beginning a new phase in Jesus’ Galilean ministry. In the first phase He travels Galilee with Peter, Andrew, James, and John (see Mark 1:1-20, …

May 8 / Mark 6:7-13

Mark 6:7-13 “Notice what you notice.” Today is Mark’s account of Jesus sending out the twelve apostles – much shorter than Mathew’s!! Matthew has a long teaching session by Jesus as He sends out the twelve; Mark and Luke have only a few verses each. But Mark (and Luke) has closure that Matthew does not …

May 7 / Matt. 9:35-10:15

Matthew 9:35-10:15 “Notice what you notice.” A number of observations… First, it’s not clear where today’s account takes place. Matthew, Mark, and Luke (presumably) have Him in Galilee, while The Chronological Study Bible most recently had Him in Jerusalem. However, going about in the “cities and villages” (v. 9:35) is more consistent with Jesus’ operations …

May 6 / John 5:31-47

John 5:31-47 “Notice what you notice.” Continuing with Jesus back in Jerusalem in John’s Gospel and the healing at the pool of Bethesda… So Jesus has four witnesses as to His divinity – John the Baptist, His works (miracles), His Father, and Scripture. Jesus responds directly to three of these. As to John the Baptist, …

May 5 / John 5:24-30

John 5:24-30 “Notice what you notice.” Continuing with Jesus back in Jerusalem in John’s Gospel and the healing at the pool of Bethesda… Today’s first verse is one of those verses that David alludes to when he says that we can know that we are saved: Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears My …

May 4 / John 5:16-23

John 5:16-23 “Notice what you notice.” Continuing with Jesus back in Jerusalem in John’s Gospel and the healing at the pool of Bethesda… I readily confess that Jesus’ words in John’s Gospel leave me confused. Today is no different. So often Jesus seems to go “off topic”. In yesterday’s and today’s readings the Jews were …

May 3 / John 5:1-15

John 5:1-15 “Notice what you notice.” Today we go back to Jerusalem in John’s Gospel. Jesus asked the man at the pool, “Do you want to be healed?” Time and again I have read Jesus’ question and wondered why Jesus would ask that. Surely the man would want to be healed, having spent 38 years …

May 2 / Mark 6:1-6

Mark 6:1-6 “Notice what you notice.” Today is Mark’s account of Jesus’ return to his hometown, Nazareth. And he could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them. (v.5) It’s almost like Mark has really high expectations for Jesus, seeing no “mighty works” in …

May 2019 Readings

Date Reading(s) Verses 01-May Matt. 13:53-58 6 02-May Mark 6:1-6 6 03-May John 5:1-15 15 04-May John 5:16-23 8 05-May John 5:24-30 7 06-May John 5:31-47 17 07-May Matt. 9:35-10:15 19 08-May Mark 6:7-13 7 09-May Luke 9:1-6 6 10-May Matt. 10:16-31 16 11-May Matt. 10:32-11:1 12 12-May Matt. 14:1-12 12 13-May Mark 6:14-29 16 …

May 1 / Matt. 13:53-58

Matthew 13:53-58 “Notice what you notice.” Today is Matthew’s account of Jesus’ return to his hometown, Nazareth. And they took offense at Him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.” (v. 57) I can’t remember when I first read this verse or …