Genesis 43 Dear RTB’ers, Joseph and his brothers, again. There is one character in today’s chapter who is seldom acknowledged, Joseph’s house steward. Yet, beyond the main characters (Jacob, the brothers, Joseph) he plays a key role as an intermediary. He is simply following Joseph’s orders: … he said to the steward of his house, “Bring …
Author Archives: Fred
March 21 / Genesis 42
Genesis 42 Dear RTB’ers, Joseph and his brothers, again. Put yourself into the story today. I’m playing the part of one of the brothers. I go back to Genesis 37 where we sold Joseph into slavery and tricked our father into believing that he is dead. Now we’re being charged with spying the land and …
March 20 / Genesis 41:14-57
Genesis 41:14-57 Dear RTB’ers, Joseph and Pharaoh. Joseph is living a yo-yo life. He’s up, he’s down, he’s up, he’s down, he’s up. He is his father’s favorite; he is hated by his brothers and gets sold off to Potiphar; he is in charge of all of Potiphar’s house and fields; he gets sent to …
March 19 / Genesis 40:1-41:13
Genesis 40:1-41:13 Dear RTB’ers, Joseph, the interpreter of dreams. Today’s passages, with Joseph interpreting the dreams for Pharaoh’s chief cupbearer and chief baker are setting the foundation for tomorrow’s reading where Joseph will interpret Pharaoh’s dreams. So, what to make of dreams? Joseph has the answer for the interpretation of dreams, “Do not interpretations belong …
March 18 / Genesis 38-39
Genesis 38-39 Dear RTB’ers, Today, two contrasting stories of sexual relations in the Old Testament– Judah and Tamar, Joseph and Potiphar’s wife. First, Judah and Tamar. Judah takes (marries) a Canaanite woman known only as the “daughter of Shua” (Genesis 38:2). Together they have three boys – Er, Onan, and Shelah. Years pass and Er …
March 17 / Genesis 37
Genesis 37 Dear RTB’ers, Today we begin the story of Joseph, a story that will carry us all the way to the end of Genesis. The authors of Search the Scriptures have so much regard for this entire story that they have set aside a separate day twelve days from now for Jospeh’s complete story …
March 16 / Genesis 36
Genesis 36 Dear RTB’ers, I didn’t have much to contribute yesterday, maybe even less today. One wonders at God including a full chapter on Esau’s descendants, when God’s promises of land and progeny have been given to Isaac. Esau moves south and southeast from Canaan to Seir, presumably driving out the current inhabitants, the Horites …
March 15 / Genesis 35
Genesis 35 Dear RTB’ers, A number of short items… As I was reading our passage this morning, I was thinking that we had a “clean” chapter – no deceit, no trickery, no devastation. Then in Genesis 35:22 Reuben lays with Bilhah, his half-brothers’ mother and Jacob’s concubine. Sad. Today we see Jacob as the changed …
March 14 / Genesis 34
Genesis 34 Dear RTB’ers, Dinah…, what STS refers to as “a sordid story”. First, a bit of trivia. Although not explicitly stated, it looks like a number of years must have passed between yesterday’s reading and today’s. A few chapters back we learned from Jacob that he had been with Laban for twenty years …
March 13 / Genesis 33
Genesis 33 Dear RTB’ers, Jacob meets Esau. Put yourself in Jacob’s place. He deceived his father and stole Esau’s blessing, then fled to Haran for twenty years, and now is returning to Canaan with great wealth. He has sent messengers on ahead to Esau announcing his arrival and learns that Esau and his 400 men …