August 29 / Psalm 102:18-28

Psalm 102:18-28 I’m seldom certain of Biblical interpretation, but today I see verses 18-22 in the context of the Israelites in exile in Babylon. The psalmist first says that he is writing down some details (v. 18) so that future generations (a people yet to be created) can praise the Lord for His deliverance. That …

August 28 / Psalm 102:1-17

Psalm 102:1-17 A lament. The psalmist seems to be in personal, physical pain, calling on God to deliver him. There are a few things to note about the psalmist’s pain: Yet even after getting angry with God, the psalmist quickly repents and acknowledges the Lord’s greatness, His majesty, and His love. (v. 12) He even …

August 26 / Psalm 100

Psalm 100 This is the final psalm in the “God is king” set of psalms. For the LORD is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations. (v. 5) I’m seeing an echo here with “steadfast love” (lovingkindness in the NASB) and “faithfulness”. Those two words/phrases have been repeated in a …

August 25 / Psalm 99

Psalm 99 Beginning at Psalm 93 we have been reading psalms acknowledging and praising God’s kingship over all peoples, all places, and all things – on Earth and in the Heavens, over all creation. I don’t think any other Psalm reflects that praise as fully as today’s Psalm 99. Like Psalm 97 it begins, “The …

August 24 / Psalm 98

Psalm 98 I saw “steadfast love” (lovingkindness) and “faithfulness” in verse 3 and I remembered a few days back when one of the psalmists called us to consider God’s lovingkindness in the morning and His faithfulness in the evening. And I took a moment to think of God’s love for us, especially so early in …