August 9 / Psalm 87

Psalm 87 To me there’s not a lot to reflect on in today’s psalm. The psalmist is extolling the glory of Jerusalem and Mount Zion, established/ordained by God Himself. The psalmist pays particular attention to the special “citizenship” of those who were born there – in contrast to those who were born in the other …

August 5 / Psalm 83

Psalm 83 Where possible I like to put these psalms into their historical settings. Today’s Psalm 83 fits best with II Chronicles 20, where we see Moab, Ammon, and Edom (vv. 6-7) all gathered against Israel, with Assyria mentioned only as an ally (v. 8), not the powerful foe that destroyed the Northern Kingdom. Often …

August 4 / Psalm 82

Psalm 82 At first glance, this is quite confusing, especially depending on the translation you are using. Does verse 1 have “gods” or “rulers”? If “rulers”, we can imagine that the psalmist is speaking of either Israel’s leaders or the leaders in the surrounding nations. If “gods”, we can imagine God calling an assembly in …

August 2 / Psalm 80

Psalm 80 First, a few clarifications. We should have no problem following the vine metaphor that the psalmist uses in verses 8 to 16 – Israel being transplanted from Egypt to the Promised Land and taking control of that entire area during David’s and Solomon’s reigns. So within that metaphor, the sea refers to the …

August 1 / Psalm 79

Happy August, y’all!! August??!! Already?? Yeah… Psalm 79 The temple has been destroyed and Jerusalem is in ruins. The Israelites were taken into exile to Babylon in 587 BC; this psalm could very possibly have been written from Babylon during that exile. A couple of items to note. There are a number of verses in …