Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Aug Psalm 79 13 02-Aug Psalm 80 19 03-Aug Psalm 81 16 04-Aug Psalm 82 8 05-Aug Psalm 83 18 06-Aug Psalm 84 12 07-Aug Psalm 85 13 08-Aug Psalm 86 17 09-Aug Psalm 87 7 10-Aug Psalm 88 18 11-Aug Psalm 89:1-18 18 12-Aug Psalm 89:19-37 19 13-Aug Psalm 89:38-45 8 …
Author Archives: Fred
July 31 / Psalm 78:56-72
Psalm 78:56-72 Our third and final day in Psalm 78… The psalmist continues his discussion of Israel’s rebelliousness, but brings it closer to his present time – probably sometime after Solomon’s reign as king. His primary focus in today’s reading is showing God’s favor for Judah (David, Mt. Zion in vv. 68, 70, the Southern …
July 30 / Psalm 78:32-55
Psalm 78:32-55 Today we continue the retelling of Israel’s history in Psalm 78, with the psalmist focusing on Israel’s rebelliousness, even in the wilderness soon after their deliverance from Egypt, and God’s faithfulness through it all. There were a few verses that stuck out for me. First, But they flattered Him with their mouths; they …
July 29 / Psalm 78:1-31
Psalm 78:1-31 We have three days in Psalm 78, much of it a retelling of Israel’s history. The psalmist wants to impress upon the people two things – their history and God’s commandments given to them at Sinai. So much of Psalm 78 is history, from Exodus and Numbers, fully interspersed with calls to obedience …
July 28 / Psalm 77
Psalm 77 Coffee. Bible. The quiet of the morning. Can’t beat it!! So, Psalm 77… One of my Study Bibles introduces today’s first few verses as “The psalmist’s miserable situation.” And when you consider the first four verses, then again verses 7-9, it certainly looks like a real down-time for the psalmist: My soul refused …
July 27 / Psalm 76
Psalm 76 Today we move again from Proverbs back to the Psalms. And in so doing we move from John’s leading, back to my leading. I have thoroughly enjoyed John’s comments on Proverbs (and on Psalms beginning back on June 23 when I was first laid up) and we considered his staying with Psalms. But …
July 2022 Readings
Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Jul Proverbs 10:1-16 16 02-Jul Proverbs 10:17-32 16 03-Jul Proverbs 11:1-15 15 04-Jul Proverbs 11:16-31 16 05-Jul Proverbs 12:1-14 14 06-Jul Proverbs 12:15-28 14 07-Jul Proverbs 13:1-13 13 08-Jul Proverbs 13:14-25 12 09-Jul Proverbs 14:1-17 17 10-Jul Proverbs 14:18-35 18 11-Jul Proverbs 15:1-17 17 12-Jul Proverbs 15:18-33 16 13-Jul Proverbs 16:1-16 16 …
June 26 / Psalm 73:1-17
Psalm 73:1-17 Today we begin Book 3 of the Psalms. Of the 73 psalms for which David is noted as the author, only 18 are in Books 3-5, meaning that 55 of the 72 psalms that we have seen thus far are ascribed to David. So we can expect to see very different psalms as …
June 25 / Psalm 72
Psalm 72 I truly appreciate John stepping up when I am unable, but for now, at least until Tuesday morning I can share a bit to start us off. I may have found a new favorite psalm. If not number one, Psalm 72 is right up there! Very quickly as I was reading through it …
June 22 / Psalm 70
Psalm 70 It seems a bit unusual – Psalm 70 has only five verses, but David addresses God (“O God…” v. 1), his enemies (“Let them…”, vv. 2-3), the faithful (“Let all…, Let those…”, v. 4), and himself (“But I…”, v. 5). Yesterday I mentioned that God seems to favor the poor and needy. Today …