Today, the third lament from Psalm 35. What stood out for me today was the amount of coverage David gave to his situation (to his enemies). It’s only the last two verses that speak of his friends or his thanksgiving, confidence, praise to the Lord. In all of David’s speaking of his enemies, another item …
Author Archives: Fred
April 1 / Psalm 35:11-18
Psalm 35:11-18 Is it my imagination? I somehow recall Debbie commenting on the “friends” for whom David grieved while they were ill, only to see them turn on him when he was “stumbling” (vv. 13-16). But if not Debbie, it’s still worth a comment. It’s hard to imagine a situation such as the one that …
April 2022 Readings
Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Apr Psalm 35:11-18 8 02-Apr Psalm 35:19-28 10 03-Apr Psalm 36 12 04-Apr Psalm 37:1-11 11 05-Apr Psalm 37:12-22 11 06-Apr Psalm 37:23-34 12 07-Apr Psalm 37:35-40 6 08-Apr Psalm 38:1-12 12 09-Apr Psalm 38:13-22 10 10-Apr Psalm 39 13 11-Apr Psalm 40:1-8 8 12-Apr Psalm 40:9-17 9 13-Apr Psalm 41 13 …
March 31 / Psalm 35:1-10
Psalm 35:1-10 In putting these readings schedules together I’m never quite sure how to break up these longer Psalms. I originally scheduled verses 1-16 for today. The better breaks for Psalm 35 are 1-10, 11-18, and 19-28. One of my Study Bibles suggests that each of these sections is its own self-contained lament. You may …
March 30 / Psalm 34:11-22
Psalm 34:11-22 Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit. (v. 13) These words are true enough. James confirms them graphically in his epistle: If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. Look at the ships also: though they …
March 29 / Psalm 34:1-10
Psalm 34:1-10 We’ve had so many laments; finally today we get a Psalm that is full of praise! In fact, the first four verses make up a worship song familiar to many of us; it’s hard to read those words without singing them! So many of today’s verses are straightforward. However, I fear that the …
March 28 / Psalm 33:13-22
Psalm 33:13-22 From yesterday’s reading: Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD… (v. 12a) David was speaking of the nation Israel. Today we might think of our own country – and I fear that for too many in the United States, God is not their Lord. Power, status, money…, whatever! Movies are full …
March 27 / Psalm 33:1-12
Psalm 33:1-12 Ever since Tom saw Ukraine in one of our Psalms a few days ago I have seen the Ukraine situation on a number of occasions, especially when deliverance is an issue. Today it was not deliverance, but simply the Lord’s power over nations. We see that in verses 10-12 today and we’ll continue …
March 26 / Psalm 32
Psalm 32 It’s a bit of a quandary. I keep saying “My Study Bible this…or My Study Bible that…”, and it gets a bit old. But I have to do the referencing since it’s not something that I’ve seen myself. So bear with me. Today my Study Bible pointed out three sets of repetitions, in …
March 25 / Psalm 31:14-24
Psalm 31:14-24 David continues his lament. My focus today is on Ps. 31:19-20, with a focus on four verbs describing the Lord’s activity in our lives: He has stored up abundant goodness for His people; His people take refuge in Him; He hides them; and He stores them in His shelter. As a precursor to …