January 4 / Leviticus 6:8-7:38

Leviticus 6:8-7:38 Dear RTB’ers, The question: “Neither the sacrifice nor the fire was to fail. What lessons…?” The Lord must have felt strongly about this demand; He mentioned it three times! (Lev. 6:9,12,13) When we first moved to Kentucky we lived in a large house with a heat pump (COLD pump!) and a wood-burning fireplace …

January 3 / Leviticus 4:1-6:7

Leviticus 4:1-6:7 Dear RTB’ers, In the sin and guilt offerings, there is sin involved, both unintentional as in the sin offering and intentional as in the guilt offering. That’s the main difference between those two and the burnt, grain, and peace offerings from the first three chapters. Forgiveness is the divine provision that we have …

January 2 / Leviticus 2-3

Leviticus 2-3 Dear RTB’ers, STS question #1, “Consider how [the cereal] offering is fulfilled in Christ.” This grain offering was of the finest ingredients – fine flour, with oil and frankincense added, but no leaven or honey. Flour and oil and frankincense make a sweet smell when burned. Yeast is used as a metaphor for …

January 2025 Readings

Date Readings Verses 01-Jan Leviticus 1 17 02-Jan Leviticus 2-3 33 03-Jan Leviticus 4:1-6:7 61 04-Jan Leviticus 6:8-7:38 61 05-Jan Leviticus 8 36 06-Jan Leviticus 9-10 44 07-Jan Leviticus 11 47 08-Jan Leviticus 12:1-13:46 54 09-Jan Leviticus 13:47-14:32 45 10-Jan Leviticus 14:33-15:33 58 11-Jan Leviticus 16 34 12-Jan Leviticus 17 16 13-Jan Leviticus 18 30 …

December 31 / Reflections

Reflections Dear RTB’ers, No scheduled reading today. Evidently STS is set for 365 days and February 29 this year claimed one of those days. So today we reflect on 2024. Thus far we’ve read one Gospel (Luke); Acts; nine epistles (I and II Thessalonians, Galatians, Romans, I and II Corinthians, I and II Timothy, and …

December 30 / II Timothy 4

II Timothy 4 Dear RTB’ers, Paul was writing some 2000 years ago, but his words sound like they were written directly for today: For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions… (v. 3) [NOTE: The NASB …

December 29 / II Timothy 3

II Timothy 3 Dear RTB’ers, My first-ever RTB group was in 1994 at St. James Episcopal Church in Mt. Airy, Maryland. Like this year we used Search the Scriptures as our study book – except that we did three days at a time instead of one and finished the Bible in one year. And, like …

December 28 / II Timothy 2

II Timothy 2 Dear RTB’ers, I’m sure I’ve shared this before; it’s the first thought on my mind whenever I read today’s chapter. 2 Tim 2:2, a “calling card” for young Campus Crusade for Christ students: … what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will …

December 27 / II Timothy 1

II Timothy 1 Dear RTB’ers, II Timothy – today we begin our last book for 2024, another of Paul’s letters to his “son”, Timothy. It was not difficult for us to see Paul’s motivation in writing to Timothy in his first letter – it was mostly church matters. It’s more difficult to pick that up …