Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Mar Job 29 25 02-Mar Job 30 31 03-Mar Job 31 40 04-Mar Job 32 22 05-Mar Job 33 33 06-Mar Job 34 37 07-Mar Job 35 16 08-Mar Job 36 33 09-Mar Job 37 24 10-Mar Job 38 41 11-Mar Job 39 30 12-Mar Job 40 32 13-Mar Job 41 26 …
Author Archives: Fred
February 1 / Job 1
The Lord gave Satan permission to afflict Job: “Behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not reach out and put your hand on him.” (v. 12a) So what did Satan do? He afflicted Job four different times – the Sabean attack, killing or stealing the oxen and the donkeys; fire from heaven destroying …
February 2022 Readings
Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Feb Job 1 22 02-Feb Job 2 13 03-Feb Job 3 26 04-Feb Job 4 21 05-Feb Job 5 27 06-Feb Job 6 30 07-Feb Job 7 21 08-Feb Job 8 22 09-Feb Job 9 35 10-Feb Job 10 22 11-Feb Job 11 20 12-Feb Job 12 25 13-Feb Job 13 28 …
January 31 / Psalm 22:22-31
As Debbie posted two days ago, Psalm 22 ends with praise. It’s intriguing to imagine Jesus praying this portion of the psalm while He is dying on the cross. Maybe that’s a lesson – in the midst of the hardest hardships, maybe the best response is praising God for His goodness, for all that He …
January 30 / Psalm 22:11-21
Psalm 22:11-21 Debbie’s post yesterday enlightened me for today. I can now picture Jesus reciting this psalm during His time on the cross – no doubt, this psalm and other psalms. And it makes all the difference to read through this psalm and imagine Jesus reciting it to Himself, even shouting out some of the …
January 29 / Psalm 22:1-10
Psalm 22:1-10 At the outset of this journey through the Psalms, there were only five that I could call by number where I knew something of their content. Psalm 22 is one of those five – this one because of prophecy fulfilled with Jesus’ death on the cross. Today we see two of those prophecies/words …
January 28 / Psalm 21:8-13
Psalm 21:8-13 I have never been someone who embraced the Psalms lovingly. Today’s reading is one of those for which I can not easily relate. Verses 7 and 13 are meaningful – powerful even! But the rest of it, hard to relate to… I’m hoping some of the rest of you can weigh in more …
January 27 / Psalm 21:1-7
Psalm 21:1-7 You have given him his heart’s desire, and You have not withheld the request of his lips. For You meet him with the blessings of good things… (vv. 2-3a) I’ve never really had much “heart’s desire” in my life; the one thing that I had always hoped for when I was younger was …
January 26 / Psalm 20
Psalm 20 Posting from the Louisville airport on our way to Costa Rica – please pray for our travel safety and enjoyment. For today’s Psalm, two of my study Bibles talked about David going to war, with the “you” pronouns in the first five verses related to peoples’ prayers for him. Then the next four …
January 25 / Psalm 19:7-14
Psalm 19:7-14 Whether we’ve read it or not, we’ve heard verse 14 countless times when a preacher begins his sermon: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. It’s also quite likely that the first few verses in today’s …