Luke 20:27-44 But He said to them, “How can they say that the Christ is David’s son? (v. 41) It’s intriguing to me that Jesus raises this question after He has been questioned by both the Pharisees (paying taxes to Caesar) and the Sadducees (the resurrection). After these two questions (and many, many previous questions …
Author Archives: Fred
May 13 / Mark 12:18-37
Mark 12:18-37 I would suggest that it’s worth reading my comment in the second link below from 2019 on the scribe’s question about the most important commandment. I find that discussion between Jesus and the scribe to be really heartwarming – a genuine question from the scribe and a perfect reply from Jesus, then further …
May 12 / Matt. 22:23-46
Matthew 22:23-46 In the second link below I tried to clarify Matthew’s verse 44 which reads The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, until I put Your enemies under Your feet”. (Caps for further clarification…) Substituting differently than below, another way to read this verse could be God the Father said …
May 11 / Luke 20:9-26
Luke 20:9-26 Verse 18 from today’s first parable is one that has been confusing to me: Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces, and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him. But a key to understanding lies in the pronoun, everyone. My Study Bible suggested pottery instead of people. …
May 10 / Mark 12:1-17
Mark 12:1-17 I noted in the second link below that the group sent to Jesus with the tribute question differs in the three Gospels. Mark has the following statement: And they sent to Him some of the Pharisees and some of the Herodians, to trap Him in his talk. (v. 13) Here “they” must clearly …
May 9 / Matt. 22:1-22
Matthew 22:1-22 And those servants went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests. (v. 10) This verse caught my eye – my NASB translation said “both evil and good”, replacing “bad” with “evil”. “Evil” is a much stronger word than …
May 8 / Matt. 21:33-46
When Jesus told this parable of the landowner (or tenants or wicked vinedressers) He was taking off from Isaiah 5:1-7, where the Lord is chastising Israel for their many failures. But Jesus changes it up a bit. In Isaiah the landowner prepared the vineyard much as we read in Matthew, but kept it himself and …
May 7 / Mark 11:20-33, Luke 20:1-8
Mark 11:20-33 and Luke 20:1-8 It’s Mother’s Day week at the flower shop – that and Valentine’s Day take over our lives. So nothing for today, except for what I posted in 2019, in the links below. Be blessed! See also: September 4 / Mark 11:20-26; September 6 / Mark 11:27-33; September 7 / Luke …
May 6 / Matt. 21:18-32
Matthew 21:18-32 One item struck me anew this morning. In the morning, as He was returning to the city, He became hungry. (v. 18) It’s a small matter, I know, but with Jesus and his disciples staying evenings in Bethany this Holy Week, did Martha and Mary not offer them breakfast before they left for …
May 5 / Matt. 21:12-17, Mark 11:12-19, Luke 19:45-48
Matthew 21:12-17, Mark 11:12-19, and Luke 19:45-48 Yesterday’s pictorial image was well received, so here’s another – a close-up of the Temple. The Chronological Study Bible indicates that the full Temple was 500 yards long and 325 yards wide. Inside that larger Temple was another structure measuring 150 yards by 100 yards. To the lower …
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