June 30 / Psalm 75

Psalm 75 Judgment. What does that word mean to you? Is it filled with negative connotations? Do you think of a vindictive “God of the Old Testament” that goes around “smiting” people at the least provocation? Does that “God” stand in distinct contrast to the merciful “God of the New Testament”? I certainly hope not, …

June 29 / Psalm 74:12-23

Psalm 74:12-23 In yesterday’s reading, the psalmist painted a depressing picture, asking whether God has cast us off forever. Today we get an antidote to that perspective: recounting the Lord’s prior deeds and faithfulness while petitioning Him for His ongoing favor. Indeed, whenever we drift into thinking that God is absent or we start to …

June 28 / Psalm 74:1-11

Psalm 74:1-11 O God, why do you cast us off forever? (v. 1) Have you ever asked that question? Or (perhaps better) how often have you asked that question? Are you currently asking that question? As for me, I have certainly felt “cast off” occasionally, and sometimes for extended periods. Calling out to God and …

June 27 / Psalm 73:18-28

Psalm 73 Today the psalmist expresses his confidence in the Lord’s justice, that the wicked “get theirs” in the end. Note, though, that the difference between yesterday’s reading and today’s is entirely one of perspective and faith — a change in perspective that comes as the psalmist enters the sanctuary of God, not as a …

June 24 / Psalm 71:14-24

Psalm 71:14-24 The second half of this psalm turns from plea to praise, or more accurately, to the promise of public praise: But I will hope continuallyand will praise You yet more and more.My mouth will tell of Your righteous acts,of Your deeds of salvation all the day,for their number is past my knowledge.With the …

June 23 / Psalm 71:1-13

Psalm 71:1-13 With Fred “otherwise occupied” for a bit, I guess you’re stuck with me again… This psalm is a cry from the heart for God’s protection and deliverance. My guess is that we can all fairly readily “put ourselves into” the psalmist’s position, appealing to the Lord for rescue. For some of us, that …

May 31 / Proverbs 9:13-18

Proverbs 9:13-18 We end these first nine chapters of Proverbs with the personification of Folly, who somewhat gracelessly mimics Wisdom in calling to those who pass by (v. 15) with what sounds like the same invitation: “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!” (v. 16; see Pr. 9:4) But the second part of her …

May 29 / Proverbs 9:1-6

Proverbs 9:1-6 Wisdom prepares a feast and sets her table. She sends out her young women to call from the highest places in the town (v. 3), and she invites… Whom? Her friends? Geniuses? The powerful? The rich and famous? No. Whoever is simple…him who lacks sense… (v. 4) That’s whom she invites. Her feast …

May 28 / Proverbs 8:32-36

Proverbs 8:32-36 And now, O sons, listen to me… (v. 32) This is now the third time we’ve read that exact phrase in Proverbs. (See also Pr. 5:7; 7:24.) Perhaps we should indeed listen and heed, for Wisdom herself promises blessing: Blessed are those who keep my ways (v. 32) Blessed is the one who listens to …