Galatians 3-6 O foolish Galatians! Galatians 3:1a Discounting geography, might this epithet from Paul apply to you? Are you striving to make yourself righteous by following a set of rules? Having glimpsed the grace of God in Christ, are you now trying to earn His approval? Having started with the Spirit, are you now trying …
Author Archives: John S.
November 27 / Acts 15:1-35; Galatians 1-2
Acts 15:1-35; Galatians 1-2 Old habits die hard. And the oldest habit of all is self-justification. Paul, once the ultimate Pharisee, sees through legalism and self-justification like no one else. He understands what it means to be zealous for the Law of Moses and for the traditions of his fathers. (Galatians 1:14; Philippians 3:4-6) He …
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November 26 / Acts 13-14
Acts 13-14 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off. Acts 13:3-4 And so, Saul — who soon becomes known …
November 25 / Acts 10-12
Acts 10-12 The story of Cornelius’ conversion is pivotal for the development of the Church. It is so significant that Luke gives us lots of details to fully establish the facts. For example: Then Luke emphasizes the significance of these events by telling the story all over again as Peter conveys the details to those …
November 24 / Acts 8:4-9:43
Acts 8:4-9:43 God has a way of turning things upside down. Following the murder of Stephen, strong persecution arises against the Church in Jerusalem. Although the persecutors’ intent is to squelch the Gospel message, the actual effect is just the opposite. As believers flee, scattering across Judea and Samaria, they preach as they go. (Acts …
November 23 / Acts 6:1-8:3
Acts 6:1-8:3 Stephen, the first named Deacon of the Church, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:5), becomes the first Martyr for Christ. Our word “martyr” comes straight from the Greek, “μάρτυς” (“mártys”), which simply means “witness”. It is because so many Christians have subsequently borne witness to Christ in like …
November 22 / Acts 3-5
Acts 3-5 As we saw in the Gospels, Jesus warned His followers that they would face opposition, that since the world hated Jesus, the world would hate them (us), too. (John 15:18-19) Today we see that opposition rising against the Apostles, and — surprise, surprise — it comes from the same source, the religious leadership …
November 21 / Acts 1-2
Acts 1-2 We’ve read through all four Gospels. We’re half way through the New Testament. Today we start “the rest of the story”. Recalling Luke 1:1-4, we can see from Acts 1:1-3 that the Book of Acts (or “The Acts of the Apostles”) is a sequel to Luke’s Gospel, a sequel in which Luke chronicles …
November 20 / Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:12-20; Luke 24:13-53; John 20:19-21:25
Mark 16:12-13; Luke 24:13-49; John 20:19-31;Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:14-18; John 21;Mark 16:19-20; Luke 24:50-53 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing …
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November 19 / Matthew 28:1-15; Mark 16:1-11; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-18
Matthew 28:1-8; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-13;Matthew 28:9-15; Mark 16:9-11; John 20:14-18 If you have not already read the passages of Scripture we have for today, please do so now. I’ll wait… Now, consider honestly: what is your reaction to this reading in this current moment? I’m guessing that “surprise” is not part of …
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