Psalm 57
Another late post – just returned to Kentucky from Maryland earlier this afternoon. Today’s Psalm header has another link to another Old Testament chapter, I Samuel 24. If you have not read it, it’s a very interesting chapter. Although this chapter speaks of a very specific incident with Saul in the cave, it’s also very likely that David spent a good amount of time in the many caves in that region, the wilderness of Engedi in southern Judah, so this Psalm could just as easily reflect David’s own time hiding in caves.
Courtenay already mentioned verse 5 (repeated in verse 11) as a JMT song. Verses 9 and 10 form the heart of the song. Check it out,
This song is not one that we sing at St. Andrew’s. However this Psalm does contain a song that we sing, verses 7 and 8. It starts with verse 7, My heart is steadfast, O God… You may more easily connect it with the chorus line that begins, “M-e-e-lody [(echo) Melody], M-e-e-lody, [Melody], Je-e-sus is [Je-e-sus is] my melody…”
So many of the Psalms have become Christian music standards!