November 22 / II Peter 2:1-22

II Peter 2:1-22

For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved. (v. 19b) I have been attending Freedom Road for almost four years. The men and women in this group and at other Alcoholics Anonymous meetings will attest to the truth of Peter’s words herein. Whatever is a person’s addiction – alcohol, drugs, gambling, sexuality, etc. – that addiction rules him or her. And breaking free, once enslaved, becomes a lifelong chore. While AA speaks of a “higher power”, Freedom Road people know that the higher power is Jesus and His Holy Spirit at work in their lives. Still, the addiction temptation is always present… Sad.

… there will be false teachers among you … And many will follow their destructive ways …By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words… (vv. 1b-3a, NKJV) The ESV and NASB both used the word (and concept) “greed” instead of covetousness, leading my Study Bible to suggest that these false teachers were driven by their love of money. But the NKJV that I posted above suggests to me that these false teachers were motivated by power, not money, doing what they could to attract more followers so as to enhance their own stature. And as I think of St. Andrew’s (and as I report on same) I think of our desire to grow numerically and to generate strong revenues as we finish 2021 and strong pledges for our 2022 budget. However, I do not see any of this happening by deception, by false teachers, or by any sense of personal or corporate gain. I see us as sincerely following the Lord, seeking to grow others into the love-life that we have and using our abundant resources to enhance our ministries among those with need. In so doing we are following Jesus’ example: For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. (Luke 19:10)

See also: November 3 / II Peter 2:1-11 November 4 / II Peter 2:12-22

November 21 / II Peter 1:1-21

II Peter 1:1-21

Some time ago we saw Paul’s list of the “fruit of the Spirit”: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Today we see a listing from Peter that he calls “these things” (or “qualities” in the ESV and NASB translations): …faith … virtue … knowledge … self-controlsteadfastness … godliness … brotherly affection … love. (vv. 5-7) Love and self-control are word-for-word with Paul, plus I attributed Paul’s faithfulness with Peter’s steadfastness. One could also connect brotherly affection with kindness and goodness. But faith, virtue, knowledge, and godliness stand out in Peter’s list. Peter goes on to say that … if you practice these qualities you will never fall. (v. 10b) So between the two lists I see active pursuit in Peter’s list and godly outcome in Paul’s list. If you pursue Peter’s qualities, Paul’s fruit will be the outcome. I’ve never connected these two passages of Scripture before. Interesting…

See also: November 1 / II Peter 1:1-11; November 2 / II Peter 1:12-21

November 20 / Jude 1-25

Jude 1-25

I see the whole of Jude’s epistle as being written to two groups of people – those who are new or weak in the faith and the leaders whose job it is to teach and encourage those who are weak. As to the first group, Jude 5 points to the Israelites in the wilderness who perished after being rescued from Egypt and in Jude 6 he speaks of angels who were taken from their high positions and were “kept in eternal chains”. These verses seem to be warnings to the weak not to wander off the true path of faith, but to humbly follow the leaders and the teachings that brought them to faith in the first place. That is, Jude is not preaching “once saved, always saved”! Then Jude goes on in Jude 7-19 to describe those “ungodly” persons, presumably to help the weak to see and recognize those who are in error and to avoid those ungodly people.

As to that second group of people, the leaders and teachers, the same verses noted above (vv. 5-19) provide solid ground for guiding the weak away from those worldly temptations. But I also see Jude 20-23 as being written directly to these leaders: build yourselves up and pray in the Spirit (v. 20), keep yourselves in the love of God (v. 21), have mercy on doubters (v. 22), save others and show mercy with fear (v. 23). And to break down this second group even further, I see verses 20 and 21a to be written to all of us who are strong in our faith – But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God… – while verses 22 and 23 are targeted to those who have teaching and leadership responsibilities. So let me reiterate Jude’s fundamental guidance to all of us: build yourselves up, pray in the Spirit, and keep yourselves in the love of God. It’s not too much to ask!

See also: October 29 / Jude 1-7; October 30 / Jude 8-16; October 31 / Jude 17-25

November 19 / I Peter 5:1-14

I Peter 5:1-14

She who is at Babylon, who is likewise chosen, sends you greetings… (v. 13a) I’ve always wondered who the “she” was who was with Peter in Rome (Babylon). My first thoughts go to Peter’s wife, but then one asks more fully about his wife. Scripture never says that Peter was married; none of the gospels mention his wife, although all three Synoptic gospels mention his mother-in-law. So one asks if his wife had died before he was called by Jesus or was she still living while Peter traveled with Jesus? Going further, if Peter was still married, did he abandon his family to follow Jesus? An early Christian writer, Clement of Alexandria, said that “Peter was married, had children and witnessed his wife’s martyrdom in Rome”. ( The same article says that “…Peter’s wife died before he had been called as an apostle”. Note that this is a Catholic Church website, consistent in the Church’s position of unmarried priests, naturally suggesting that Peter was not married when he was called. Bottom line, the original question – we’ll never know who “she” was.

See also: October 27 / I Peter 5:1-5; October 28 / I Peter 5:6-14

November 18 / I Peter 4:1-19

I Peter 4:1-19

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another … in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. (vv. 10-11) Through our study of references to the Holy Spirit in the epistles in our Men’s Group discussions we have spent a lot of time talking about spiritual gifts. And the list of gifts mentioned in the epistles is quite long, going far beyond teaching and prophecy and healing and tongues to include such items as knowledge, faith, wisdom, administration, encouragement … and service (see Romans 12:4-8 and I Corinthians 12:7-11). I’ve encouraged our Men’s Group folks to do their own self-analysis as to which gifts they have received and to consider how those gifts have grown over time and been used to serve God. With it all, in all that we do, we glorify God in our use of these gifts. I know that each and every one of you is using your gift of service to enhance our lives at St. Andrew’s. Be thankful that God has called you to whatever you are doing in our midst – and consider that you are glorifying God as you serve!

See also: October 25 / I Peter 4:1-11; October 26 / I Peter 4:12-19

November 17 / I Peter 3:1-22

I Peter 3:1-22

Occasionally lifting a few words or phrases out of its larger context can twist the original meaning of those words. We often see verses taken out of context so that the speaker or writer can make his or her point. But sometimes that new meaning can be intriguing; consider verse 21, edited by the omission of parenthetical and even direct phrases: Baptism … [is]… an appeal to God for a good conscience… Typically we think of baptism as our acknowledgement of Jesus’ salvation and His Lordship in our lives – and no doubt it is (or should be). But I had not considered that our baptism is also our crying out to God for Him to help us, to guide us into this new life. Baptism has always seemed to me more like the confessional – humble and contrite – than the counselor’s office, where we are seeking help in our lives as we move forward. I don’t want to make too much of all that, but it is an intriguing thought to me.

See also: October 23 / I Peter 3:1-12; October 24 / I Peter 3:13-22

November 16 / I Peter 2:1-25

I Peter 2:1-25

You may recall Paul’s “put on, take off” verses back in Ephesians 4:25-32. Today we have something similar in Peter’s writing, not “put on, take off” verses, but two “then, now” sequences: Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. (v. 10) While I saw this sentence structure as interesting writing, it is also fundamental truth. What we were back then is not what we are today; it is only by God’s mercy and grace that we are what and where we are today.

Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that … they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation. (v. 12) So often when I read these epistles I think of the young man, Jim, who led me to the Lord – how I saw his joy, his peace in his new life in Christ, in his earthly life in Christ – and how his faith was not an “I gotta get to heaven” thing! My Study Bible commented extensively on this …day of visitation… I see my own “…day of visitation…” as that evening in May of 1975 when I prayed that sinner’s prayer with Jim at my side and gave my life to Jesus. Truly, the Lord has visited me daily from that time forward and continues by His Holy Spirit to guide me as I seek and serve Him.

Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil… (v. 16a) My Study Bible had a good take on this verse: “Liberty is not license to do as we please.” Liberty is not license…

See also: October 20 / I Peter 2:1-10; October 21 / I Peter 2:11-17; October 22 / I Peter 2:18-25

November 15 / I Peter 1:1-25

I Peter 1:1-25

To those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia… (v. 1) Peter is writing to these “Dispersion” groups in these five regions. Three of these groups are mentioned in Acts 2 (Cappadocia, Pontus, and Asia) when the Holy Spirit appeared as “tongues of fire” to those who were gathered “in one place” and they began speaking in other tongues, languages which their audience could understand as their native languages. It was to these listeners that Peter delivered his Pentecost speech (Acts 2:14-36). Herein I see evidence of Peter’s authorship of I Peter, an item which scholars debate. The other apostles and disciples certainly mingled further with the crowd (some 3,000 souls were added that day), explaining more deeply the words that Peter has spoken. But no doubt Peter connected with some of those new believers in his own special way, very possibly with that (modern-day central Turkey) central Asia crowd to whom he is writing this letter.

The Trinity: …according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood… (v. 2)

Verses 3 (…He has caused us to be born again) and 23 (…since you have been born again) I remember noticing “born again” the very first time I read 1 Peter, since this was a new Protestant phrase unfamiliar to my Catholic upbringing. (It is now much more common in the Catholic Church.) So today I looked online and found that the only other occasion where we see the phrase “born again” is in John 3 where Jesus is speaking with Nicodemus. Paul never uses that phrase, nor any of the other Gospel writers, nor any other New Testament authors – only Peter and only here! So if you are among those who claim to be “born again”, you can thank John (Jesus!) and Peter for that phrase!

See also: October 17 / I Peter 1:1-9; October 18 / I Peter 1:10-16; October 19 / I Peter 1:17-25

November 14 / II Timothy 4:1-22

II Timothy 4:1-22

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. (vv. 3-4) Yesterday I mentioned liberal theology as a problem for the church today. These verses recall that same warning: will not endure sound teaching; having itching ears; teachers to suit their own passions; turn away from … the truth… Those phrases have come full blown in today’s world. So many members in the larger Christian church are allowing the surrounding culture to guide their theology: rampant divorce, unmarried Christian couples living together, “pro-choice” values, same-sex marriage, politicians on both sides of the aisle grasping for power instead of the overall good, our enormous wealth inequality… Add your own items to that list. As I’ve said before, I fear for our children and grandchildren and the future world in which they will live.

There is one item about those verses quoted above that strikes me differently in the ESV versus the NASB translation. The ESV says …having itching ears… while the NASB has …but wanting to have their ears tickled… An itch and a tickle are two different things. An itch implies a real yearning, a need for relief, while being tickled suggests delight from whatever is happening outside our bodies. An itching ears person seems to want a preacher to “preach what I want to hear”, while a tickled ear person wants a preacher who will “make me feel good”. The ESV translation suggests a more aggressive person; the NASB suggests a more passive person. Unfortunately, in both cases, one’s theology is left to one’s desires.

So, as I note in the third link below, we now leave Paul’s epistles – unless, of course, Paul is the author of Hebrews (which we will be reading in a week or so). But first, on to Peter, Jude, and James!

See also: October 14 / II Timothy 4:1-8; October 15 / II Timothy 4:9-15; October 16 / II Timothy 4:16-22

November 13 / II Timothy 3:1-17

II Timothy 3:1-17

Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses… (v. 8a) My Study Bible said that according to Jewish tradition these two men were Egyptian court magicians who opposed Moses when he went to Pharoah – Aaron threw down his staff and it became a serpent, then court magicians did the same (Exodus 7:11). But I was thinking also of other times when people opposed Moses – one of the two Israelites whom Moses found fighting (Exodus 2); Miriam and Aaron (Numbers 12); Korah’s rebellion (Numbers 16); the people who supported ten of the twelve “spies” who searched out the land in Numbers 13-14 (see especially Num 14:4, And they said to one another, “Let us choose a leader and go back to Egypt.”); and any number of people who complained and grumbled during the Israelites’ 40 years in the wilderness. So Moses had more than his share of people opposing him. My guess is that the incidents reported in Exodus and Numbers only touched the surface!

Following verse 8 noted above, we have verse 9a, Paul’s reflection back to Jannes’ and Jambres’ attempts: But they will not get very far… True, Jannes and Jambres did not get very far. However, we can’t say the same about opposition in the church today. COVID and “the world” have brought church attendance down dramatically, and many who are still in the church today are under the influence of liberal theology that weakens God’s power in their lives. I fear for future generations. Come, Lord Jesus, come!!

See also: October 12 / II Timothy 3:1-9; October 13 / II Timothy 3:10-17