II Timothy 3:1-9
Debbie’s comments yesterday have bearing today: “Chatter … is to me a distraction from our focus on God.” And Paul has a lot to say about chatter today!! Almost the entire reading has very few positive comments. But positive or not, two items stuck out for me. First,. (v. 5) having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. It seems to me that Paul is describing people within the Church, possibly even Church leaders! Pastors, bishops, television evangelists – or closer to home, anyone of us from the congregation. I look at myself: Treasurer, Avanza, Freedom Road, Men’s Group, RTB…, ACTIVE!! having the appearance of godliness??!! But I hope and trust that I do not deny the power of the Holy Spirit within myself.
Second, …always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. (v. 7) It’s unclear to me whether Paul in this statement is referring to the “weak women” in verse 6 or to the people (men?!) that he describes in verses 1-6a). But then again I look at myself. …always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth??!! I am always so very interested in teaching, in helping others to learn, in trying to gain my own understanding of what we are reading that I wonder if I am ever really advancing in my own personal faith. I learn, but am I growing?
So, a couple of questions/issues that I have to ponder…
Slava Bohu!