March 2 / Galatians 1:1-10

Galations 1:1-10

Epistles…! Here we are! We have arrived. We are more than halfway through Acts and only 1/6 of the way through the year. So the remaining ten months will be mostly readings from the Epistles. Letters from apostles to churches with a bit of history and a lot of theology! It’ll be a tougher grind for most of us – but that just means that we’ve got a lot to learn!!

Paul, an apostle—not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father… (v. 1). I can’t say how I know it or how many places I’ve read it, but it has long been in my mind that Paul often labored to defend his apostleship. He needed to exert his authority, since he was not one of the original twelve or of the eleven-plus-one. However, he considered himself fully an apostle, having received his gift of faith directly from Jesus as he was on his way to Damascus, then was further nurtured in the Lord through his three years in the Arabian desert. We will see this defense of his apostleship in more of his writings and in much greater detail in II Corinthians 10-13.

…but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. (v. 7) Here is another continuing thread that we will see in Paul’s letters – false gospels! Somehow he gets word of some bad preaching and he needs to counter that teaching. Today we laud him for that, but back then it must have been a terrible burden for him and his teaching to be challenged by others. Unfortunately for him, he knew from where he had come – and he knew that others knew – and I doubt that he could ever forgive himself his past life. I’ve always felt sorry for him in this regard.

Slava Bohu!

March 1 / Acts 15:30-35

Acts 15:30-35

Depending on the translation that you are reading, the following verse may be absent: But it seemed good to Silas to remain there. (v. 34) [NOTE: The ESV has it in a footnote.] But it’s a key verse, as we will see in a few weeks when Silas becomes Paul’s missionary companion.

“Encouragement” shows up twice in these few verses – first in verse 31 when the letter from the apostles and elders is read and second, when Judas and Silas strengthen and encourage the congregation. And it’s not the first time in Acts that we’ve seen “encouragement”, first and foremost with Barnabas himself, whose name means “Son of Encouragement”. We could learn from them!

Slava Bohu!

March 2020 Readings

01-MarActs 15:30-356
02-MarGalatians 1:1-1010
03-MarGal. 1:11-2414
04-MarGal. 2:1-1010
05-MarGal. 2:11-2111
06-MarGal. 3:1-1414
07-MarGal 3:15-2915
08-MarGal. 4:1-1111
09-MarGal. 4:12-209
10-MarGal. 4:21-3111
11-MarGal. 5:1-1515
12-MarGal. 5:16-2611
13-MarGal. 6:1-1010
14-MarGal. 6:11-188
15-MarJames 1:1-1111
16-MarJames 1:12-2716
17-MarJames 2:1-1313
18-MarJames 2:14-2613
19-MarJames 3:1-1212
20-MarJames 3:13-186
21-MarJames 4:1-1010
22-MarJames 4:11-177
23-MarJames 5:1-1111
24-MarJames 5:12-209
25-MarActs 15:36-16:511
26-MarActs 16:6-1510
27-MarActs 16:16-249
28-MarActs 16:25-4016
29-MarActs 17:1-99
30-MarActs 17:10-2112
31-MarActs 17:22-3413

February 29 / Acts 15:22-29

Acts 15:22-29

For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us… (v. 28). This verse has always struck me positively every time I read it – “…to the Holy Spirit and to us…”. The apostles and elders clearly had the Holy Spirit first in their lives – individually and corporately. And with that they were able to come to (what seems to be) unanimous agreement on the message that they were sending to Gentile believers. They had already used Scripture to support their resolution of the main issue (vv. 16-18, earlier, quoting Amos 9:11-12) and now Holy Spirit guidance in putting forth their message.

But there was one other item in their message – reality: the reality of life in the Gentile world and the reality of Jewish history and customs. The prohibition on sexual immorality and on sacrifices to idols struck directly at the Gentile world, where idol worship and cult prostitution were common. The apostles and elders wanted to make a strong statement to non-believing Gentiles that these Gentile believers were different, that they recognized only the one true God. The restriction on blood and strangling were targeted to Jewish believers, so that the Gentile believers would not offend their Jewish brethren. Both of these restrictions come from Leviticus 17:11, For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life. Eating/drinking blood was clearly prohibited. And since there is no blood shed when an animal is strangled, the blood remains within and falls under the same restriction.

Scripture, the Holy Spirit, and reality – a good combination for us to live by.

Slava Bohu!

February 28 / Acts 15:6-21

Acts 15:6-21

Four names are mentioned in today’s reading: Peter/Simeon, James, Barnabas and Paul. [Notice that Barnabas is mentioned first here (v. 12); this is common when the two of them are in Jerusalem.] So of these four, Peter had trips to Samaria and Caesarea; Barnabas and Paul went to Cyprus and Asia Minor; and James stayed behind in Jerusalem. Yet James comes out as the leader, the spokesman, if you will. After all the others have spoken, his is the final say. But his final words come after much listening: And after there had been much debate… (v. 7); And all the assembly fell silent, and they listened… (v. 12).

I had said yesterday that this Jerusalem Council offers lessons for unity and church leadership. These few verses describe that perfectly. I have no doubt that during the “much debate” in verse 7 (I imagine that as a free-for-all discussion) that James and Peter were discussing the circumcision issue with the other church leaders – The apostles and the elders were gathered together to consider this matter. (v. 6). Then they took the time to hear from the major parties who had been at the forefront of the Gentile missions. Then I’m sure the leaders gathered again and presented their recommendation. We’ll see tomorrow that the matter was resolved.

These few verses (1-21) provide a lesson for all of us. Where there are church “issues” we need to listen to one another; our church leadership needs to listen to the body; then in the end we need to defer to our church leadership (with prayer and fasting), trusting that they are being led by the Holy Spirit. Just that…!

Slava Bohu!

February 27 / Acts 15:1-5

Acts 15:1-5

First, a couple of brief geographical items… Paul and Barnabas (and a large contingent of Christians) are based in “Antioch”. This “Antioch” is Syrian Antioch, about 300 miles north of Jerusalem, on the northeast coast of the Mediterranean, as opposed to Pisidian Antioch, which Paul and Barnabas had visited in chapters 13 and 14, in the heart of modern-day Turkey. So most mentions of Antioch, with no context or qualifier, refer to Syrian Antioch, the “secondary head” of the church outside of Jerusalem.

Second, when verse 1 says that “…some men came down from Judea…”, their coming “down” relates to the elevation of Jerusalem, which was built on Mount Moriah, the mountain where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac. So “coming down” from Jerusalem does not mean going south like we would refer today. Instead, it’s an elevation thing.

This Jerusalem Council, most of chapter 15, is a good lesson in church unity and leadership, often referred to when divisive issues arise within the church. We’ll see more of how that works out in the next two days. Today all we have is Paul and Barnabas reporting the results of their missionary activity to believers in Phoenicia (Tyre, Sidon), Samaria, and Jerusalem – where for the most part their reports were well received: they “brought great joy to all the brothers” (v. 3) and in Jerusalem they “were welcomed by the church and the apostles and the elders” (v. 4).

The divisive issue is raised in verse 5: But some believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees rose up and said, “It is necessary to circumcise them and to order them to keep the law of Moses.” And while circumcision is the divisive issue, it is worth noting that we see a number of Pharisees as believers! Some of them have come a long way, no doubt influenced by Peter and John before their Council (Acts 3-4), Saul’s conversion and testimony (Acts 9, ff.), and other events in and around Jerusalem and Judea. Pharisees as believers is a huge step forward for the Jerusalem church!! Glory!

Slava Bohu!

February 26 / Acts 14:19-28

Acts 14:19-28

It’s so strange that Jews from Antioch would come all the way to Lystra (130 miles) just to harass Paul and Barnabas. Iconium was only 20 miles from Lystra, so some Jews from Antioch had probably followed Paul and Barnabas to Iconium and been part of the rabble that drove them out of Iconium. And then that harassment becomes deadly!! I’m trying to understand that Jewish mindset. Was it jealousy? Or was it fear? Why did they have such hatred for Paul and Barnabas that they would want them stoned and left for dead? The Jews could only stone people for blasphemy, so Paul and Barnabas talking about Jesus as that Messiah that the Jews had long expected must have set them off. It was a positive message that somehow got fully twisted in their minds.

So Paul and Barnabas flee a short distance to Derbe where they make more disciples. Then they re-trace their steps to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch strengthening the believers there. That is, Paul and Barnabas were not willing to leave their new converts (presumably, mostly Gentiles) without further encouragement and guidance. Theirs is a strong message of discipleship. And in the very next chapter we will see Paul and Barnabas desiring to return to these same cities, again to strengthen and encourage them (15:36). I truly admire their dedication to those new converts. Glory!

Slava Bohu!

February 25 / Acts 14:8-18

Acts 14:8-18

It’s so strange that Jews from Antioch would come all the way to Lystra (130 miles) just to harass Paul and Barnabas. Iconium was only 20 miles from Lystra, so some Jews from Antioch had probably followed Paul and Barnabas to Iconium and been part of the rabble that drove them out of Iconium. And then that harassment becomes deadly!! I’m trying to understand that Jewish mindset. Was it jealousy? Or was it fear? Why did they have such hatred for Paul and Barnabas that they would want them stoned and left for dead? The Jews could only stone people for blasphemy, so Paul and Barnabas talking about Jesus as that Messiah that the Jews had long expected must have set them off. It was a positive message that somehow got fully twisted in their minds.

So Paul and Barnabas flee a short distance to Derbe where they make more disciples. Then they re-trace their steps to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch strengthening the believers there. That is, Paul and Barnabas were not willing to leave their new converts (presumably, mostly Gentiles) without further encouragement and guidance. Theirs is a strong message of discipleship. And in the very next chapter we will see Paul and Barnabas desiring to return to these same cities, again to strengthen and encourage them (15:36). I truly admire their dedication to those new converts. Glory!

Slava Bohu!

February 24 / Acts 14:1-7

Acts 14:1-7

Therefore they spent a long time there speaking boldly with reliance upon the Lord, who was testifying to the word of His grace, granting that signs and wonders be done by their hands. (v. 3) Luke makes a powerful statement here, that the Lord was personally intervening – that He “was testifying” (or “bearing witness”) to the words that Paul and Barnabas were speaking, allowing “signs and wonders to be done by their hands”. Luke also notes that Paul and Barnabas were speaking “with reliance upon the Lord”. So put these two items together – if we speak boldly with reliance upon the Lord, will He testify to His words with signs and wonders done by our hands? Do we have that kind of confidence in the Lord’s power in this day and age? I daresay that I fail in this regard. I have seen “signs and wonders”, but mostly they have come as a surprise. And I have spoken boldly about the Lord, but probably not with complete reliance upon Him. I’ve got a lot to learn…!

Slava Bohu!

February 23 / Acts 13:42-52

Acts 13:42-52

But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and began to contradict what was spoken by Paul, reviling him. (v. 45) Again, Jewish leaders’ jealousy, even though in the previous verse we see “almost the whole city” gathering to hear Paul and Barnabas. But rather than listen themselves, jealousy overcomes the Jewish leaders to see that they are losing their crowds. Then they get belligerent just a few verses later (see below).

But the Jews incited the devout women of high standing… (v. 50a). I’ve always been intrigued by this verse, the “devout women of high standing” being recruited by the Jewish leaders to stand against Paul and Barnabas. Why would the Jewish leaders feel it necessary for women to speak up? Did their voices carry greater weight? In my (failed) memory I had thought that this incident had occurred on a number of occasions in Acts, but 13:50 is the only one. What surprised me, however, was just the opposite, that “…a number of the leading women…” in Thessalonica were mentioned as converts (Acts 17:4). Later we will see more women in leading roles in Paul’s ministry.

Slava Bohu!