May 12 / I Kings 7; II Chronicles 4

I Kings 7; II Chronicles 4

Yesterday we read about the construction of the Temple with its gold interior and the cherubim in the Holy of Holies. Today we learn of all the Temple furnishings, both inside and out. We have 2 large pillars with their capitals, the altar for burnt offerings, the bronze Sea (i.e., a very large circular basin or bath tub) upon 12 bronze oxen, 10 smaller basins, each on a four-wheeled cart, 10 lampstands (i.e., menorahs), 10 tables, and assorted utensils.

We do not have the space here to explain all these furnishings or to analyze the symbolism of their decorations. But we should note that they are all real tangible objects, many with very practical functions, and they all stir our senses. We have fire on the altar and water in the Sea and basins. We have gold all over the interior of the Temple and an untold amount of bronze outside in the court. All these things are meant to point the worshiper to the LORD.

We, of course, no longer have Solomon’s Temple, but we do have churches of various shapes and sizes. Some, like the Basilica of Saint Peter in Rome, are far larger than Solomon’s temple. Some are much more humble, both in size and ornamentation. Yet nearly all hold some furnishings that stir our senses and point us to God: a cross, an altar table, candles, stained glass windows, etc. The next time you enter a church, take a look around. What things are there that you don’t generally see elsewhere? Why are they there? What is their significance? And how might they point you to God?

May 11 / I Kings 5-6; II Chronicles 2-3

I Kings 5-6; II Chronicles 2-3

Returning to the historical narrative, we see Solomon undertaking the building of the Temple in accordance with David’s plans and preparations. Solomon enters into a contract with Hiram, king of Tyre, to supply lumber. In so doing, Solomon says this:

The house that I am to build will be great, for our God is greater than all gods. But who is able to build Him a house, since heaven, even highest heaven, cannot contain Him? Who am I to build a house for Him, except as a place to make offerings before Him?

II Chronicles 2:5-6

Solomon here expresses a desire to honor God along with a healthy dose of humility. He recognizes that God deserves something magnificent but also understands that anything he builds is bound to be wholly inadequate. Even so, Solomon does not let that inadequacy stop him from moving forward. He presses on to do what he can.

We would do well to maintain a similar mindset. We should, of course, strive to honor God in everything we do, but it is ludicrous to think that God is somehow dependent on anything we do “for” Him. He does not need anything that we can offer — not our money, not our time, not our talents — but He deserves everything.

May 10 / Proverbs 18-22:16

Proverbs 18-22:16


That brings us to the end of our readings in Proverbs for now. (The next verse, Pr. 22:17, speaks of the “words of the wise“, which likely indicates a new author — someone other than Solomon — so we will read the rest of the book later.) We have covered a lot of ground over the past week, and all my commentary from last year (if you bothered to read it) only scratched the surface. I hope that we have not just read through these chapters with a “check the box” mentality, reading the words but missing the wisdom. I hope that we all go back and read Proverbs at a more reasonable pace — even just a verse or two at a time — and mull over the wisdom that we are given here in order to make it our own. But will you? Is wisdom worth that extra effort?

May 7 / Proverbs 8-9

Proverbs 8-9


So, how are we doing? Are any of us, in fact, seeking wisdom? Or are we just reading along through Proverbs, maybe skimming over the comments from last year, and going about our day with barely a further thought toward gaining wisdom? Are we (re)evaluating the paths we are on, asking whether we need any course corrections? Are we spending even ten seconds scrutinizing our own long-held political positions, asking whether they are wise or foolish? (And yes, I am asking you, not the other party.) Are we evaluating our sources of news and information and whether they reflect any sense of the fear of the LORD? Are we willing to admit mistakes and accept correction? Are we on a path toward life or toward death? Are we moving toward the LORD or away from Him?

May 4 / Proverbs 1-3:12

Proverbs 1-3:12

Given our rapid pace through Proverbs, I will not waste your time with extra commentary here, but I trust that you’ll read last year’s posts and seek wisdom.


May 3 / I Kings 3-4; II Chronicles 1

I Kings 3-4; II Chronicles 1

We return today for a brief dip back into the historical narrative. David is now gone. Solomon is on the throne. The Ark of the Covenant is in Jerusalem, but the Tabernacle and its altar are still at Gibeon, so Solomon goes there to sacrifice.

There at Gibeon Solomon encounters the LORD in a dream, and he humbly and wisely asks for wisdom to know how to govern the LORD’s people. The LORD grants him wisdom in full measure — along with wealth and honor. Although our text does not say so explicitly, it stands to reason that the LORD effectively answers Solomon’s prayer before he prays it, else he would not have sufficient wisdom to ask for wisdom! (By the way, that is just how salvation works for us. On our own, we are dead in our sin, with utterly no capacity or inclination to seek God. It is God Who first reaches down to us, giving us the grace to receive His grace.) What a tremendous prayer from Solomon, and what a tremendous answer from the LORD!

We may not be charged with ruling the kingdom of Israel, but we each need wisdom just the same, so may our hearts be similarly inclined to seek wisdom, asking the LORD to give it to us in whatever circumstances we find ourselves.

One more thing…

God does not leave us to just randomly “find” wisdom all on our own. He gives us His Word, some of which is expressly geared toward imparting wisdom. And so we will be diving headfirst into the Book of Proverbs tomorrow with Solomon, the wisest of men, as our teacher. Unfortunately, we’ll be racing for a week through material that we spent eight weeks on last year. To prepare, please take a look at our Introduction to Proverbs from last year. Then hold on to your hat!