Psalm 92
…to declare Your steadfast love in the morning, and Your faithfulness by night… (v. 2) What the psalmist is saying is such a simple thing. When we wake up in the morning, we recognize that God loves us – completely, eternally, for nothing that we have done – simple steadfast love. Then when we go to bed at night we ponder the day and look for His many acts of faithfulness; where would we be without the Lord in our lives? From the beauty in the flowers and trees and clouds around us to His work in our lives – these things that we have come to know as “glory sightings”. At St. Andrew’s our reports of glory sightings have come to be the big things that we’ve seen – healings, miracles, answers to prayer – but there is every bit as much glory in everything big and small around us. Love in the morning, faithfulness by night. It’s a good pattern to follow!