July 22 / Psalms 23-24

Psalms 23-24 Dear RTB’ers, Those of you who stay caught up with our readings, especially those of you who read early in the morning possibly noticed that yesterday’s Psalm reading at church was almost exactly our own daily reading. We read Psalm 22:22-31; at church it was Psalm 22:23-31, one verse off. I was able …

July 21 / Psalm 22:22-31

Psalm 22:22-31                                         Dear RTB’ers, Psalm 22, continued. Yesterday’s reading had so many Crucifixion references – the Gospels, the “Stations of the Cross”, Good Friday – that it’s easy to forget that David was writing this Psalm in his own time, that he was the one feeling a disconnect between him and his God, that he …

July 20 / Psalm 22:1-21

Psalm 22:1-21 Dear RTB’ers, Psalm 22. My Study Bible notes that Psalm 22 is the most oft-quoted psalm in the New Testament, especially at Jesus’ Crucifixion in Matthew and John. For example, My God, My God, why have You forsaken me? (v. 1); “He trusts in the LORD; let Him deliver him…”(v. 8a); They divide …

July 19 / Psalms 20-21

Psalms 20-21 Dear RTB’ers, Psalms 20-21 together are a bit confusing. As I first read Psalm 20, I read it as David praying for his men – and by association, for us. So I silently claimed these first five verses for myself (and us!). Then verse 6 points to David, “the anointed”, with verse 9a …

July 18 / Psalm 19

Psalm 19 Dear RTB’ers, Psalm 19. A late morning. After eleven days of travel and a midnight arrival, Carol and I slept in. Back on schedule tomorrow. One short psalm today. The first six verses, the heavens, especially the sun reflecting the glory of God – …there is nothing hidden…! I am reminded of Paul’s …

July 17 / Psalm 18:31-50

Psalm 18:31-50 Dear RTB’ers, Psalm 18, the rest of the Psalm – David’s enemies are defeated, he is king! When psalms are long and broken down into smaller sections, it is often good to read through the whole psalm to get the full picture. [Except for Psalm 119…!!] Psalm 18 is like that. Just reading …

July 16 / Psalm 18:1-30

Psalm 18:1-30 Dear RTB’ers, Psalm 18, beginning. Thirty verses today and we’re just over halfway through this psalm. My guess is that most of us will read through the entire psalm today, even though STS breaks it down into two readings. But today, only the first thirty. It often helps for me to see these …