Genesis 16-17 Dear RTB’ers, Early on I suggested that I try to get my e-mail posts out by 8:00 AM, or 9:00 AM at the latest. Obviously I have not held myself firmly to that schedule, but I do try to post early. Today, however, the newborn child across the driveway created my delay. So, …
Category Archives: RTB 2024 – Search the Scriptures, Part 1
February 4 / Genesis 15
Genesis 15 Dear RTB’ers, Today, a short reading, not as much action, mostly a conversation between the Lord and Abraham. On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram… (v. 18a). This is now the second covenant between God and His people. The first was with Noah (God speaking): “Behold, I establish My covenant …
February 3 / Genesis 13:5-14:24
Genesis 13:5-14:24 Dear RTB’ers, There’s a lot going on in today’s reading. We met Lot yesterday, Abram’s nephew. Now today in Genesis 13 we see the beginnings of a dispute between Abram and Lot, who were both quite wealthy. The issue was pasture and water for their herds and flocks – there was not enough …
February 2 / Genesis 11:10-13:4
Genesis 11:10-13:4 Dear RTB’ers, Today we meet Abram, whose name is later changed to Abraham. Immediately we encounter confusions – confusions, at least, in our own way of thinking. My first confusion comes with Abram’s brother, Nahor, marrying his brother Haran’s daughter, Milcah. That is, Nahor married his niece. Strange to us, but that’s how …
February 1 / Genesis 10:1-11:9
Genesis 10:1-11:9 Dear RTB’ers, The whole of chapter 10 might be just a bunch of foreign names to some of you, but it’s surprising how many of these names show up later in the Bible. My own short list (surely forgetting some that show up later): Gomer, Magog, Tubal, Meshech, Tarshish, Kittim, Cush, Egypt, Put, …
February 2024 Readings
Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Feb Genesis 10:1-11:9 41 02-Feb Genesis 11:10-13:4 46 03-Feb Genesis 13:5-14:24 37 04-Feb Genesis 15 21 05-Feb Genesis 16-17 43 06-Feb Genesis 18 33 07-Feb Genesis 19 38 08-Feb Genesis 20:1-21:21 39 09-Feb Genesis 21:22-22:24 36 10-Feb Genesis 23 20 11-Feb Genesis 24:1-60 60 12-Feb Genesis 24:61-25:34 41 13-Feb Genesis 26 35 …
January 31 / Genesis 8:20-9:29
Genesis 8:20-9:29 Dear RTB’ers, A few days ago we read that Noah was to bring animals on board two-by-two (Genesis 6:19-20). Then the next day we saw a modification of that original arrangement: “You shall take with you seven pairs of every clean animal, a male and his female; and two of the animals that …
January 30 / Genesis 7:1-8:19
Genesis 7:1-8:19 Dear RTB’ers, Noah, the ark and the flood, continued. Reading the story of Noah and the ark and the flood makes me want to go up north to visit the Ark Encounter in Williamston, KY, where these entrepreneurs have built an ark to the dimensions given by God to Noah – 510 feet …
January 29 / Genesis 6
Genesis 6 Dear RTB’ers, Noah, the ark and the flood. The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (v. 5) This verse, from thousands of years ago, sadly, rings true today. We would like to believe …
January 28 / Genesis 4-5
Genesis 4-5 Dear RTB’ers, We had a good discussion at our RTB gathering this morning on Genesis 4, the Cain and Abel story. Here’s an item I’d like to highlight. Abel, on his part also brought an offering, from the firstborn of his flock and from their fat portions. (v. 4) I’m sure I’ve seen …