Leviticus 23 Dear RTB’ers, As was the case a few days ago, today’s first question asks us to make a list of the various feasts from today’s reading. Again, my Study Bible has a table of those feasts, so I took a picture of those pages and attached it to this note. John has reminded …
Category Archives: RTB 2025 – Search the Scriptures, Part 2
January 15 / Leviticus 21-22
Leviticus 21-22 Dear RTB’ers, Words and phrases that appear frequently in today’s reading: These two chapters are directed mostly to the priests, Aaron’s descendants, with a number of cleanliness rules, many related to ceremonial offerings. While clergy (and laity) today do not hold to these same principles and restrictions, we all still need to be …
January 14 / Leviticus 19-20
Leviticus 19-20 Dear RTB’ers, God’s holiness is the attribute emphasized in these chapters. See Lev. 19:2, 20:3, 20:26 for God attributing holiness to Himself, and Lev. 19:2, 20:7, 20:26 for Him demanding holiness from the Israelites. That holiness is commanded by the Lord to the Israelites through keeping His commandments and staying away from idolatry. …
January 13 / Leviticus 18
Leviticus 18 Dear RTB’ers, Reasons and importance for obedience to these laws… First, If the Israelites do these things, “he shall live by them”: You shall therefore keep My statutes and My rules; if a person does them, he shall live by them: I am the LORD. (v. 5) My Study Bible had an interesting …
January 12 / Leviticus 17
Leviticus 17 Dear RTB’ers, Question on killing of domestic animals and idolatrous worship. Verse 7a answers the second part of this question: So they shall no more sacrifice their sacrifices to goat demons, after whom they whore. If the Israelites kill their animals outside the tent of meeting, left to “themselves” or to the “inhabitants …
January 11 / Leviticus 16
Leviticus 16 Dear RTB’ers, Question #1 asks us to sketch out the order of the ceremonies for the Day of Atonement. The text has instructional verses and summary verses intermixed with the actual events. Thankfully, my Study Bible did that very thing, sketching out the order of the ceremonies. I feel like I’m cheating, but …
January 10 / Leviticus 14:33-15:33
Leviticus 14:33-15:33 Dear RTB’ers, Question: Sin is defiling in God’s sight and prevents our acceptance before Him. How does today’s reading show this? If we presume (as STS does) that all the “leprosy” conditions from chapter 14 (and earlier chapters), together with the discharges in chapter 15 are metaphors for sin, then all the “protections” …
January 9 / Leviticus 13:47-14:32
Leviticus 13:47-14:32 Dear RTB’ers, A “leprous disease in a garment” and sin-contaminated habits and practices… First, the garment – show it to the priest who shuts it up for seven days. Then on the eighth day, if the disease has spread it is unclean and shall be burned. If the disease has not spread, the …
January 8 / Leviticus 12:1-13:46
Leviticus 12:1-13:46 Dear RTB’ers, With today’s first question I was immediately drawn to Paul’s epistle to the Romans: Then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the value of circumcision? Much in every way. To begin with, the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God … What then? Are we Jews any better …
January 7 / Leviticus 11
Leviticus 11 Dear RTB’ers, Question: Clean and unclean and worship… We don’t know of anything inherently bad about eating those foods that God called unclean for the Israelites. Some of those foods, in fact were staples in my childhood diet (rabbit, catfish) and today (pork). It seems to me that God was teaching them spiritual …