February 3 / John 4:27-38

John 4:27-38

“Notice what you notice.” I had one item from yesterday that I had noticed, but forgot to mention (I’m out of my routine when I’m traveling). Jesus told the woman about her past and the woman replied, Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet (verse 19). She didn’t reply to Jesus’ comment, she changed the topic! I had always glossed over that before!

So, today… (We just returned from our travels.) Commentaries have helped me to understand this long discourse between Jesus and the woman at the well. One such commentary mentioned Jesus’ reference to yet four months, then comes the harvest (verse 35). Getting back to John’s chronology… Chapter 2 had Jesus in Jerusalem for the Passover, a springtime feast – March/April. If it is now four months until the harvest (September/October), then this must be late spring or early summer, May or June. Jesus must have spent a couple of months in Judea after His baptism and His cleansing of the Temple, with Himself preaching and His disciples baptizing. That’s not a big item – I’m just enjoying watching the time frame through John’s writing.

What I really noticed today was that the woman left her water pot behind when she went back to town (verse 28). She had come out in the heat of the day, alone, to draw water. Now she leaves in such a rush that she leaves her water behind, presumably intent on returning. She must have been excited!! Have we ever been so excited about something that we had seen or heard that we left everything else behind so as to get the word out to others – especially to unbelievers (Samaritans)? We could take a lesson here!

Slava Bohu!!

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