February 4 / John 4:39-45

John 4:39-45

“Notice what you notice.” Again, John’s chronology… John has Jesus staying two days in Samaria – and he mentions it twice! (vv. 40, 43) Very specific! And then, geographically correct, Jesus continued north to Galilee.

Beyond that, I’m struck at the Samaritans’ belief. A stranger comes to town, has a revealing interchange with one resident which causes others to come and listen – and they believe. And no miracles/signs!! Their belief was the result to Jesus’ words. Contrast that with the Galileans who welcomed Jesus having seen all that He had done in Jerusalem at the feast (v. 45). John had earlier noted that when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many believed in His name when they saw the signs that He was doing (Jn. 2:23). So Galileans believed because of what He did while Samaritans believed because of what He said.

Intriguing as all that is, what happened to the Samaritans after this interchange? There is no mention of any of them following after Jesus. At Pentecost the crowds asked, are not all these who are speaking Galileans? (Acts 2:7). No mention of Samaritans. Maybe this two-day encounter is a lesson for us about evangelism and discipleship? Samaritans believed, maybe were even “born again”, but that’s the end of it? Our evangelistic friends count how many are saved and often do what they can about follow-up, but my guess is that intentional, persistent, personal contact is the only way to go.

That’s how it happened with me. Jim was a second-semester college freshman who began sharing with me after we met in a chemistry class in Spring 1972. We met on-and-off for the next 3+ years, often erratically but sometimes planned. Our last meeting was fully planned. We ran into each other on campus during finals week, Spring 1975 and made arrangements to get together that Saturday night, after his graduation and dinner with his family. Late that evening the Holy Spirit worked His will with me and I had my “born again” experience. Jim left campus the next day and I was on my own – except that God was fully with me! Jim’s front-end work, especially his persistence, had had such a powerful impact on me that following through on my late-night “conversion” was not an issue. Jim had no follow-up with me (except through the U.S. mail), but his front-end work had made the difference! I’d be interested to hear of others’ experiences on individuals responsible for your personal growth.

Slava Bohu!!

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