July 12 / Luke 12:13-21

Luke 12:13-21

“Notice what you notice.” Today’s parable hearkens back to discussions within our Men’s Group about our own finances. All of us have been the primary “bread-winners” in our home. And over time we have tried to be good stewards of our finances, including our retirement income. Now most of us are retired or nearing that age and have some “nest egg” stored up for our retirement. For some, that nest egg could feed hundreds of people in poor countries for years to come. So what is our responsibility?

And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years to come; take your ease, eat, drink and be merry.” (v. 19) I daresay the men in our Men’s Group do not buy into the Epicurean philosophy where “Pleasure is the beginning and end of the blessed life.” Most of us are serving the church one way or another, in leadership or servant positions, and I feel like all of us are seeking the Lord, wanting to be closer to Him. But that money question is always there. How much is “enough”? How do we provide for ourselves in our later years without being a burden for our kids? Do we concern ourselves with leaving something behind for our kids? If we are tithing, is there more that we should do? What about the Bruners, the Harkonens, the Petersons…? Or Eva and her two young children in our own congregation?

Ours is a wealthy congregation. We meet our needs and reach out to those around us. But is there more that we should be doing? We are blessed, but let’s not live with “blessings guilt”!!

Slava Bohu!

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