October 9 / Matt. 25:31-46

Matthew 25:31-46

Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” The Final Judgment… These details of the Final Judgment occur only in Matthew. Jesus leaves little doubt as to the existence of heaven and hell: Come, you who are blessed by My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. (and) Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. (vv. 34, 41) These verses are the most vivid portrayals of heaven and hell that we find in the Gospels, especially “the eternal fire”. Jesus confirms these words in today’s final verse: And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life. (v. 46) We seldom begin our non-believer sharing time with questions of heaven and hell, but there are occasions when that reality is a reasonable question to ask. Carol and I experienced that very situation not long ago when we were on a short vacation and the question of heaven or hell was appropriate to a young man with whom we were speaking. But typically we don’t lead with “hellfire and damnation”! Still it’s a real fear that we have for those we love.

Slava Bohu!

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  1. Thanks for reminding us, Fred. Gives an urgency to witnessing, sharing the gospel with nonbelievers. Both the good news and joy, as well as reverse. Interestingly, Jesus was actually speaking to believers, both sheep who listen and obey, and goats who think they are listening but have closed ears and hearts. Scary!

  2. Good description of the goats, Debbie!

    I had not noticed that he was talking to a group of believers (assuming Jesus is still talking to the group of disciples he was answering at the beginning of chapter 24).

    Each of these three parables in Matthew 25 is a cautionary tale for us: Be ready! Be working! Be active! Be an agent of generosity, grace and kindness to those around you!

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