February 16 / Acts 12:5-10

Acts 12:5-10

I’m wondering this morning if a movie has ever been made of Peter’s life. Think about it – a successful, prosperous fisherman, possibly with a number of employees, has his own comfy house in a leading Galilean city. Gets called by and follows Jesus and is in His company for one to three years; becomes a part of Jesus’ closest three who are witnesses to the Transfiguration and other miracles. Witness to Lazarus being raised, Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, and Gethsemane. Denies Jesus three times – absolute low point…!! Then the Resurrection and a number of appearances, again with Peter at the center of the activity. After the Ascension, Jesus is now gone and the Acts story centers on Peter for most of the first twelve chapters. Pentecost; Peter and John and the lame beggar before the Council; Ananias and Sapphira; imprisonment and release; he and John to Samaria; he and James meeting Paul; raising Dorcas; Cornelius and visions and conversions and all that; now again prison and release. And a few more appearances in Acts before non-Biblical sources finish out his life. What a story!!

Slip on his sandals and walk in his shoes for a while. Better yet, slip on your own shoes and walk back your own life. Thank the Lord for where He has taken you and to where He has brought you. We each have his or her own “glory story”. Tell it!!

Slava Bohu!

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