April 26 / I Cor. 7:1-16

I Corinthians 7:1-16

Paul, on giving instructions… The Corinthians have apparently asked Paul some questions that he answers, often beginning with the phrase, “Now concerning…”. That phrase occurs six times in this letter (I Cor. 7:1,25; 8:1; 12:1; 16:1,25). In today’s reading he gives his advice in three different manners. In verses 6 and 8 he simply says, “I say…”. However in verses 10 and 12, he offers his famous “I … not I…” quotes. In verse 10 he says, To the married I give this charge (not I, but the Lord)…, whereas in verse 12 he says, To the rest I say (I, not the Lord…). [The bold is my emphasis added in each of the previous two phrases.] Paul is careful to distinguish his advice from the Lord’s command. I believe it’s the only place in his epistles where we see this construction (an online search supported this conjecture). David has said on a few occasions that he is wary when someone tells him, “The Lord told me…”. But He does speak to us – we need to practice listening!

I’ve always been touched by verse 16: For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife? I remember from my youth in our Catholic Church how many wives attended church while their husbands stayed home. We don’t see it so much at St. Andrew’s – more’s the case that husband and wife attend different churches. We knew of a few situations in CZ and SK where one attended and not the other – and the kids were torn between allegiance to the mother or the father. Carol and I have always been grateful that we were both “in the Lord” when we met and that we have agreed on our church affiliation together. There is power in our being and praying together.

And now we get ready for our Sunday morning (videotaped) worship service – with Rachel and Christian joining us from across the driveway! We are blessed!!

Slava Bohu!

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