May 26 / Matt. 26:1-29

Matthew 26:1-29

In the second link below I wrote two years ago that we had almost two months to go through Jesus’ last day, from Thursday evening to Friday late afternoon. This year we are reading twice as much per day, but it will still be almost a full month from today until His resurrection. A lot of contemplation time…!

The Last Supper – the breaking of the bread, the blessing of the wine, and our Eucharistic celebration every Sunday… From my childhood I can recall the solemnity of that moment when the priest would elevate the host and the cup and draw us back to the Last Supper. I’ve experienced that moment in a number of different languages and a number of different settings, from Latin to English and from Asia to Europe, but no matter the language, no matter the location, the solemnity of the moment was always present. And still is, today.

See also: October 16 / Matt. 26:1-16; October 19 / Matt. 26:17-29

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  1. It’s as if I were there at the last supper when I read these passages this morning. It was if I were a “mouse in the corner” observing all this.

    The smells and aromas of food and Mary’s perfume. How these aromas filled the room. In particular the perfume. Usually only a drop or two are used by the person wearing the perfume, but one must get very close to that person to appreciate the fragrance. But a whole jar was poured out! Mary got it. She KNEW who’s presence she was in!

    The tearing and sharing of bread, wine, food. How these sensory perceptions pull me into the solemnity of these moments as it does every Sunday we celebrate the meal.

    Then there’s Judas. I see him pocketing the pieces of silver, I see him lying to Jesus and Jesus seeing right through it! Just as Jesus sees right through my lies and sins. And I’m drawn closer to Jesus because I see His compassion, love and forgiveness.

    Never underestimate the power of Scripture, huh?!

    1. You bless me, Bruce (all of us, I daresay). For years I’ve been encouraging RTB’ers to “put yourself into the story”. I’ve never suggested that they play the mouse in the corner – that’s a new twist! But we ARE THERE, every Sunday, every lifting of the host and the cup. GLORY!!

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