April 8 / Psalms 96, 105-106

Psalms 96, 105-106

Holy Saturday. The day of darkness, fear, and despair. Jesus’ disciples have witnessed the horror of the Crucifixion. They know their own failings, how they denied and abandoned the One that they swore they would die for. They have lost themselves, and they have lost their Lord. How could the Man with the words of eternal life (John 6:68) Himself be dead? Where is God in all of this?

As we meditate on the difficult reality of Holy Saturday, last year’s commentary on Psalm 105:16-36 seems particularly relevant. So give that a read. I’ll wait…

We of course know that Holy Saturday is followed by Resurrection Sunday. It is in Christ’s Resurrection that we find our hope. And that is what we need to remember as we encounter our own personal miniature versions of Holy Saturday throughout the year. Even in all those dark times, when God seems lightyears away, He is still at work for our good. So let us thank Him for His steadfast love, which we may very well experience, for the time being, as a dark and gloomy Holy Saturday.

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