August 31 / Proverbs 6-7

Proverbs 6-7

Here is item #3 in Search the Scriptures today:

Test your life in the light of Proverbs 6:16-19.

That’s not a bad exercise. But I wonder if the language of those few verses might be such that most of us would be fairly quick to acquit ourselves, perhaps prematurely. For example, I don’t generally think of myself as having hands that shed innocent blood or feet that make haste to run to evil, and I bet you don’t either. But maybe we need to take a bit more time and think more deeply and more thoroughly. We might just find that we are not so innocent after all.

That is not to say that we should get stuck in interminable navel-gazing, wallowing around in our own muck. But we should honestly examine ourselves, measuring ourselves against Scripture, repenting of evil, confessing our sin, and turning to the Lord. It is the wise person who does so.

See also:

By the way, I hope that you consider the pursuit of wisdom worthy of the few extra minutes it might take to read those prior posts.

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