June 7 / Luke 9:18-27

Luke 9:18-27 “Notice what you notice.” Verse 24: For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. Today it is worth quoting an entire footnote from my Study Bible regarding this verse, that this saying of Jesus “…is found in all four Gospels and …

June 5 / Matt. 16:13-28

Matthew 16:13-28 “Notice what you notice.” My Study Bible notes that verse 21 begins a new phase, a turning point in Jesus’ ministry: From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on …

June 4 / Mark 8:11-26

Mark 8:11-26 “Notice what you notice.” Three small items today… I had never noticed that this “leaven” conversation between Jesus and His disciples took place in the boat as they were traveling from the west side of the Sea of Galilee, headed to Bethsaida. The only other occasion that I can recall Jesus speaking with …

June 3 / Matthew 16:1-12

Matthew 16:1-12 “Notice what you notice.” I probably noticed it before – Jesus mentioned the color of the sky; in both cases the sky is red, but in the evening the red sky calls for good weather while in the morning the red sky calls for stormy weather. Small point, but interesting… And they began …

June 2 / Mark 8:1-10

Mark 8:1-10 “Notice what you notice.” Both Matthew and Mark comment that the crowd has been with Jesus for three days. That in itself is compelling! Three days in the wilderness. It’s not like Billy Graham three-day revivals here in the USA, where that people come to hear him all three days, then go home …

June 2019 Readings

Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Jun Matt. 15:32-39 8 02-Jun Mark 8:1-10 10 03-Jun Matt. 16:1-12 12 04-Jun Mark 8:11-26 16 05-Jun Matt. 16:13-28 16 06-Jun Mark 8:27-9:1 13 07-Jun Luke 9:18-27 10 08-Jun Matt. 17:1-13 13 09-Jun Mark 9:2-13 12 10-Jun Luke 9:28-36 9 11-Jun Matt. 17:14-23 10 12-Jun Mark 9:14-32 19 13-Jun Luke 9:37-45 9 …

June 1 / Matt. 15:32-39

Matthew 15:32-39 “Notice what you notice.” Much is made of the similarities and differences between today’s “Feeding of the 4,000” and our earlier “Feeding of the 5,000”. Some scholars say there was only one feeding; others hold true to what we have in Scripture. Let me offer four major differences: Finally, later (Matthew 16:9-10) Jesus …

May 30 / Matt. 15:21-31

Matthew 15:21-31 “Notice what you notice.” Our byline, “notice what you notice” has tripped me up sometimes. I find myself looking for items in these passages that I had not seen before, which is a good thing as we read these passages more intensely, but that byline should not rule out commenting on the old …