May 30 / Acts 13:44-52

Acts 13:44-52 Dear RTB’ers,  Today, only nine verses. But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and began to contradict what was spoken by Paul, reviling him. (v. 45) Here we see the Jewish leaders’ jealousy, even though in the previous verse “almost the whole city” had gathered to hear Paul …

May 29 / Acts 13:13-43

Acts 13:13-43 Dear RTB’ers,  Today we continue with Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey, as they move on from the island of Cyprus to the mainland of modern-day Turkey. Today we see for the first time a pattern that Paul follows, to first go to the local synagogue in every city, therein to …

May 28 / Acts 12:25-13:12

Acts 12:25-13:12 Dear RTB’ers, Today we return to Acts. Thus far in Acts the focus has mostly been on the church in Jerusalem and the apostles’ ministry in neighboring cities. Now the focus becomes the church at Antioch, some 300 miles north of Jerusalem, about twice as far from Jerusalem as Damascus. There are two …

May 27 / Exodus 19-20

Exodus 19-20 Dear RTB’ers,  Let’s continue to pray for Mary G. as she recuperates from knee replacement surgery. Today, the Ten Commandments. It’s our last day in Exodus for a while; we’ll finish this book after spending more time in Acts. Put yourself into today’s reading…!! The POWER that God brings, …thunders and lightnings and …

May 26 / Exodus 18

Exodus 18 Dear RTB’ers,  Let’s continue to pray for Mary G. as she recuperates from knee replacement surgery. It’s easy to forget that Moses was a family man, with a wife and two sons. We first met Zipporah when Moses had exiled himself to Midian after killing an Egyptian. There he married Zipporah. However, after …

May 25 / Exodus 17

Exodus 17 Dear RTB’ers,  Let’s continue to pray for Mary G. as she recuperates from knee replacement surgery. More grumbling (Ex. 17:2-3), this time for lack of water and them “dying of thirst”. Previous grumblings have been fear of death from Pharaoh’s army (Ex. 14:10-11), bitter water (Ex. 15:24), and hunger (Ex. 16:3). Do we …

May 24 / Exodus 15:22-16:36

Exodus 15:22-16:36 Dear RTB’ers,  Let’s continue to pray for Mary G. as she recuperates from knee replacement surgery – for her, for Len, for her medical team, and for her recovery. Today, wilderness wanderings, grumbling, quail, and manna. Yesterday we saw the first incident of the people grumbling against Moses (Ex. 14:10-11). Today we see …

May 23 / Exodus 14:1-15:21

Exodus 14:1-15:21 Dear RTB’ers,  Let’s be in prayer today for Mary G. as she undergoes knee replacement surgery – for her, for Len, for her medical team, and for her recovery. Today, they’re gone! The Israelites from Pharaoh’s grasp and the Egyptians to the bottom of the Sea! The Lord delivers His people, but not …

May 22 / Exodus 12:37-13:22

Exodus 12:37-13:22 Dear RTB’ers,  Today, Israel’s departure from Egypt and instructions for celebrating the Passover and for setting aside the firstborn. As far as I know, our reading yesterday and today are the only Biblical instructions for how the Israelites were to celebrate the Passover. By contrast, the setting aside of the firstborn males is …

May 21 / Exodus 12:1-36

Exodus 12:1-36 Dear RTB’ers,  The Passover. Today we get 28 verses of instruction and preparation, then eight verses of action. And the instruction is given with detail: the tenth day, the fourteenth day, the twenty-first day; year-old male lamb, unblemished, roasted; unleavened bread, bitter herbs; belt, sandals, staff; blood, hyssop, lintel, doorposts. And the people …