August 20 / Psalm 94:16-23

Psalm 94:16-23 Today, the personal side of Psalm 94. If the Lord had not been my help… (v. 17a). Finish the sentence, folks. Was there a time when you were facing a major problem, where the end result did not look promising, but you (and others) prayed and the Lord delivered you? I can think …

August 19 / Psalm 94:1-15

Psalm 94:1-15 We have read most of these psalms of late in their entirety, even though they might be a bit longer than our average of thirteen verses per day. Today’s Psalm 94, however, is justifiably split, not only because of length, but also because of content. In today’s first fifteen verses the psalmist is …

August 17 / Psalm 92

Psalm 92 …to declare Your steadfast love in the morning, and Your faithfulness by night… (v. 2) What the psalmist is saying is such a simple thing. When we wake up in the morning, we recognize that God loves us – completely, eternally, for nothing that we have done – simple steadfast love. Then when …

August 14 / Psalm 89:46-52

Psalm 89:46-52 In today’s reading the psalmist softens his words substantially from yesterday’s diatribe. He begins very pleadingly, How long, O Lord? Will You hide Yourself forever? (v. 46a), but in the next half-verse he is back to charging God for His wrath. In verse 49 he links back to our readings from the last three …

August 13 / Psalm 89:38-45

Psalm 89:38-45 Two days ago we saw the psalmist praising God for His creation, for His power, for His righteousness and justice. Then yesterday the psalmist recounted God’s covenant with David: My faithfulness and My steadfast love shall be with him, and in My name shall his horn be exalted. (v. 24) But today the …

August 11 / Psalm 89:1-18

Psalm 89:1-18 We will be reading Psalm 89 for the next four days. The break for each day is intentional, although the third and fourth day could have been combined. Actually though, as you read the entire psalm you can see that Ps 89:1-18 and Ps 89:19-37 almost stand alone as their own psalms. Then …