I John 3:1-24
The word “brother” appears eight times in today’s reading, plus three times in yesterday’s reading. No doubt, John is referring to “the brethren” – his (our) brothers and sisters in Christ. But I also read it as my own brothers. I have five brothers from my yours-mine-and-ours family: two full brothers, one half-brother, and two stepbrothers. Here is part of our reading from yesterday: Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness. Whoever loves his brother abides in the light… (vv. 2:9-10a) I can’t say that I’ve ever “hated” any of my brothers, but I have been and remain closer to my full brothers than to the others. But this past April Carol and I visited one of my stepbrothers in Florida. Of anyone in our family he has been the most isolated. No one had heard from him for about three years before Carol and I knocked on his door. We spent maybe an hour and a half with him, having a McDonald’s lunch that we had brought and just chatting. I came away from our time with him with a Holy Spirit love for him that I’ve never had before. We’ve stayed in touch by e-mail and have reconciled him somewhat to the rest of the family. All it took was our willingness to take that first step.
John suggests that we “…lay down our lives for the brothers…” (v. 16b) and that we provide for our brothers when we see them in need (v. 17) Here my mind goes to our Avanza families. We have so much and they have so little. Yes, these Hispanic kids are blessed (as are we) by our two-hour time blocks with them once a week. But still their family needs – physical, spiritual, and emotional – are great. Would that we could do more…!
See also: December 20 / I John 3:1-9; December 21 / I John 3:10-15; December 22 / I John 3:16-24