Luke 16:1-31
I know that I’ve been talking a lot about my brother, Ron, the past two days, but the readings fully related to him and his situation. So again today we read in verse 28 that the rich man had five brothers and that he was concerned for their future welfare. I also have five brothers and yes, I am concerned for (what I perceive to be) their lack of faith. So these readings are really applicable to my life!
I’ve often said that Luke is my favorite gospel. Part of that is his historical bent and his desire to “get it right” (Luke 1:1-4). But I’m sure it’s also because of his focus on money and my own life as an economist. Today’s readings are at the top of the list in Luke’s covering of money and our relationship to God.
I commented in the second link below on “unrighteous mammon” and worldly wealth. But another verse stuck out to me today: For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God. (v. 15b) I was thinking about what is “exalted among men” in today’s world. Right away money and power jump out, but also the fame associated with particular skills, like movie stars and sports figures. And all these are “abominations” in God’s sight? To my thinking, Jesus is speaking in hyperbole here – that in reality He is simply making a comparison between our worldly focus and what should be our devotion to His message and our Father. But it causes me to consider my relationship with God compared to how I feel about those whom I hold in high esteem. Even more to the point, how do I feel about my own worldly achievements, how much pride do I still hold onto from whatever I’ve done in my life, compared to “work” that I’ve done for the Kingdom? Is God truly #1 in my life? Sometimes I wonder…
See also: July 27 / Luke 16:1-8; July 28 / Luke 16:9-18; July 29 / Luke 16:19-31