July 25 / Luke 15:11-19

Luke 15:11-19

Let’s continue to remember to pray for Jim and Marty – Debbie and Julie also!

“Notice what you notice.” Yes, I intentionally split the story of the Prodigal Son into two parts. And yes, it was because I wanted to keep all our readings under twenty verses (even though we’ve already failed in that respect). But it also presents us with a challenge. Reading only through verse 19 and not knowing the rest of the story, we could – as Jesus’ listeners did – wonder how it would end. The son has come to his senses – repented in his heart. Will he carry it through or have second thoughts on his way home? And if he continues, how will his father receive him? With warm affection or anger and judgment…? And what about the older brother? Will he be glad to see his younger brother or will he be angry with him for wasting the family’s resources – his own future! So, let’s read it again, only up through verse 19 and let the Holy Spirit speak to you.

Wealth (NASB), property (ESV), livelihood (NKJV)… Three different translations of the same Greek word, with three different meanings. Although we tend to think of property as something physical, especially land, that doesn’t make sense in this context. In verse 12b (ESV) the father is dividing his property between his sons, which could be land holdings. But then in verse 13b (ESV) the son squandered his property in reckless living. It doesn’t sound like “property” in this verse is land. Wealth could include property, but it is also more general and could easily be precious metals and cash balances that could be more easily divided – and more easily squandered. The third meaning, livelihood, puts the biggest bite on the father. Imagine the father’s livelihood being his flock of sheep, then selling one-third of the flock (the older brother would inherit twice what the younger brother would get) to meet his younger son’s request. Clearly the father’s livelihood has been reduced. Whatever meaning you choose, the son has dealt his father a mean blow.

Slava Bohu!

July 24 / Luke 15:1-10

Luke 15:1-10

Let’s continue to remember to pray for Jim and Marty – Debbie and Julie also!

“Notice what you notice.” Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him. And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled… (vv. 1-2a) I’m trying to picture the dynamic between these sinners and “saints”. I can see the Pharisees and scribes tailing Jesus from a distance, not wanting to appear to be too interested, but more than willing to challenge Him if an occasion arose. Then imagine their increased scorn when sinners throng to Him…!

My Study Bible suggested that Jesus may have been speaking with irony when He said …there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance (v. 7). As I think about it, I can agree that Jesus was speaking ironically – there is NO ONE who does not need repentance. It may be that the scribes and Pharisees had set themselves above the sinners, but in God’s eyes they (and we) are all sinners in need of repentance.

Finally, I always imagine the scribes and Pharisees to be a wealthier lot, people who might be owning 100 sheep, but certainly not tending them. So I can’t imagine they could relate much to the love a shepherd might have for that one missing sheep. Also, I can’t imagine them having only ten silver coins and losing one. Maybe 10,000 silver coins and losing 1,000, but that’s a different perspective. Bottom line – it’s clear to me that this parable was meant for the sinners and not the “saints”. So, fellow sinners, take a lesson!

Slava Bohu!

July 23 / Matthew 18:10-14

Matthew 18:10-14

Let’s continue to remember to pray for Jim and Marty – Debbie and Julie also!

“Notice what you notice.” So it is not the will of My Father Who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish. (v. 14) This verse (along with John 6:39) always speaks to me. The Father wants to lose NONE of His little children. My (step-)mother was killed in a car-train wreck, but my 19-year-old younger brother lived. He was not wearing a seat belt and ended up with two broken ribs, a punctured lung, and burns over 25% of his body. Within a week of that accident I was reading John 6:37-40 and was convinced that my mother was in Heaven but that my younger brother was not killed because he was not ready to go. Some twenty years later he did come to the Lord and remains with Him today. Our Father is patient with us. I am (mostly) convinced that He will not take us if we are not already His – until He knows that our heart is stone cold and would never turn.

A second item that touched me was “…their angels in heaven…” (v. 10). I’ve always believed in “guardian angels”. Maybe losing a mother at age 4 locked me into “all things heaven” at an early age. But I think having our own children solidified that belief. Carol and I had an awareness that we were limited in how well we could care for them and protect them and have always trusted in our Lord and His angels to watch over them. The end of that verse is particularly powerful: …their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven. These guardian angels are in constant contact with our Father. What a blessed thought – a thought that is enormously mind-boggling, to imagine how it all comes together. Guardian angels with us 100% of the time, who are also before the Father’s face “continually”, and He Himself is watching over us 100% of the time. GLORY!!

Slava Bohu!

July 22 / Luke 14:25-35

Luke 14:25-35

Let’s continue to remember to pray for Jim and Marty – Debbie and Julie also!

“Notice what you notice.” So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple. (v. 33) So, what does it mean to “renounce all that we have”? I can mostly understand the hyperbole of “hating” the members of one’s family – since I understand the “hate” relative to one’s love for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And I can understand “counting the cost” of being a disciple, even though those costs at the outset may be largely unknown. But “renouncing all that I have”…?? Here’s how The Message interprets verse 33: Simply put, if you’re not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it good-bye, you can’t be my disciple. I don’t think I’ve ever been tested to any length that is even close to the challenges that Jesus sets forth. Your thoughts…??

Slava Bohu!

July 21 / Luke 14:15-24

Luke 14:15-24

Let’s continue to remember to pray for Jim and Marty – Debbie and Julie also!

“Notice what you notice.” I’m sure that when most of us read these words that Jesus speaks, we expect that He is speaking to the lawyers and Pharisees without naming them by name. That is, in today’s Parable of the Great Banquet, we imagine that those who were initially invited to the Banquet were the Jewish leaders. But each of them had an excuse for not coming to the Banquet – that is, for not listening to Jesus’ words and following Him. We saw a similar outcome yesterday, when the Pharisees were choosing the places of honor and Jesus chastised them for seeking honor and not being humble.

But I’m sure that many of us also look to ourselves and our own behaviors and attitudes when we read Jesus’ words. I mentioned yesterday my own problem of “self-seeking”. Today I have to ask myself whether I am making excuses for my behavior in my relationship with our Lord. Or better put, what excuses AM I making? …in my prayer life? (I’m too easily distracted.) …in my personal evangelism? (I’m nervous about sharing my faith.) …in my ministry? (I’m just too busy to take on that chore.) …in my use of my personal resources? (I’m saving for retirement; I don’t want to be a burden to my kids.) What could (or should) I be doing differently in all these activities? Jesus’ words force us to do some serious soul-searching. But as my dear wife is prone to say, “It’s a good thing.” Glory!

Slava Bohu!

July 20 / Luke 14:7-14

Luke 14:7-14

Let’s continue to remember to pray for Jim and Marty – Debbie and Julie also!

“Notice what you notice.” OK, I have to be careful here not to exalt myself in telling a story. For many years I have loved this incident in today’s reading – since Carol and I lived something of the sort.

We were on a short business/educational trip to Slovakia and had been invited by the Dean of the College to a reception. There were a number of tables set in an open rectangle, enough seating for about 20 to 30 guests. When Carol and I arrived we set our “things” (purse, phone, etc.) down in the middle of one of the long rectangular sides, got drinks and stood in the area where our seats were located. Soon thereafter the Dean recognized us and came over to greet us. When he saw our “things” he told us to pick them up and he escorted us to the head table, to sit beside him and his wife. Immediately today’s reading came to mind! Yes, we were honored – and also humbled!!

I personally have a problem with self-exaltation. Years ago our Bible Study leader referred to my problem as “blowing your own horn”. There are roots for this character defect deep in my childhood, but that does not excuse the behavior. It’s something I am constantly working on. Today’s reading comes to mind – a lot!! So please pray for me in this area. Ask the Holy Spirit to help me become truly humble.

Slava Bohu!

July 19 / Luke 14:1-6

Luke 14:1-6

Let’s continue to remember to pray for Jim and Marty.

We had a phone and Internet disconnect this past Monday, with only spotty Personal HotSpot connections for the entire week. So my Internet posts and e-mail notes have been challenged and have been, at worst, only delayed. We are now again hooked up and are back to our horrible Windstream service.

“Notice what you notice.” Today is now at least the third occasion where we have Jesus dining with a Pharisee. See also Luke 7:36 and Luke 11:38. So why are they inviting Jesus to dinner? Two possibilities immediately come to mind, that they are truly seeking Him or that they are testing Him. I lean toward the latter, especially since Carol informed us all about the Pharisees and their intensity toward rejecting false messiahs. In addition, it often seems that the invitation is less than genuine – there is often a “plant” in the room, some way to test Jesus. For today’s reading, the “plant” is a man with dropsy. And it’s a Sabbath meal…!!

So the man with dropsy is there on the Sabbath, very possibly so the Pharisees can challenge Jesus for whatever He might do. But Jesus gets the drop on the lawyers and Pharisees by asking them if it’s lawful to heal on the Sabbath. When they have no response, He heals the man. He then explains logically what they misunderstand theologically.

So, a takeaway from this incident… Jesus is a Master at asking questions, by reversing “the test”, if you will. In our Gospel sharing sessions, maybe it’s better if we learn from Him to ask questions instead of stating facts. Asking “What do you believe?” might be a better ploy than stating “This is what I believe.” It’s also simple, common courtesy – letting the other person know that we care about who they are, where they are coming from, and what they are thinking. But we have to be genuine about it! Help us, Holy Spirit!!

Prayers for Debbie and Julie also!

Slava Bohu!

July 18 / Luke 13:22-35

Luke 13:22-35

Let’s continue to remember to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” Just two days ago I commented on Jesus saying the exact same words twice in one setting. Today He has done it again, with a scary thought for many Christians: I do not know where you come from. (v. 25b, ESV, NASB). The NKJV has even stronger wording: I do not know you, where you come from. Even though they ate and drank with Him and listened to His preaching, He does not know them. Or US…??!! A very scary thought…! Then He goes on to tell them that they will see themselves cast out – His Chosen People! – replaced by Gentiles from all over the world, …from east and west, and from north and south… (v. 29).

It seems appropriate to quote Matthew 7:21-23 here: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

He also repeats Himself in the next paragraph: …today and tomorrow and the third day… in verse 32, then …today and tomorrow and the day following… in verse 33. Interesting…

I’ve kept this open for hours looking for something else to say. With Internet down I can’t do much research, so we’ll sign off for the day.

Prayers for Debbie and Julie also!

Slava Bohu!

July 17 / Luke 13:10-17

Luke 13:10-17

Let’s continue to remember to pray for Jim and Marty.

“Notice what you notice.” …all his adversaries were put to shame, and all the people rejoiced… (v. 17) It would be nice sometime to go through all the Gospels and find each occasion where Jesus “violated” the Sabbath. It’s clear that on each occasion He wins the day with His logic – and makes further enemies of the Jewish leaders. But seldom is that outcome expressed as clearly as in verse 17, with His adversaries shamed and the people rejoicing.

One wonders at this woman appearing in the synagogue. Was that common? I looked online and found this comment: “At the Temple in Jerusalem, women were restricted to an outer court. In synagogues they were separated from the men and not permitted to read aloud. They were not allowed to bear witness in a religious court.” (https://www.franciscanmedia.org/jesus-extraordinary-treatment-of-women/) So somehow this woman appears in a synagogue and Jesus calls her over when He sees her (literally, When Jesus saw her…, v. 12a).

The picture in my head is similar to the one we have for the woman with an issue of blood. She was hesitant, but determined. Each woman showed up and did what she was not supposed to do – in the first case touching the hem of Jesus’ garment and in the second appearing at the synagogue door.

So what to take away from this incident? For me, if I am confident that I am taking the same position that Jesus would take, then I should not be afraid to speak out. Naturally I have to trust that I have “Holy Spirit truth” on my side. This is not just a theoretical or theological matter for me. Back in 2003-2004 I was Assistant Treasurer for the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington. During that summer and winter there were three occasions when I stood up to Bishop Sauls (the Diocesan Bishop at the time of St. Andrew’s split from the Episcopal Church) and on each occasion I was rudely shut down. But even after the first and after the second slam, I continued to speak out because I knew that “it was the right thing to do”. If you feel Holy Spirit nudges in some direction where you might feel uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to move forward. As Jesus said, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20, NASB).

Slava Bohu!

July 16 / Luke 13:1-9

Luke 13:1-9

“Notice what you notice.” Intriguing to me – Jesus says the same exact words twice: No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. (vv. 3, 5) Offhand I cannot recall any other section where Jesus repeats Himself, word for word, one sentence closely following another, in the same incident. Yes, Jesus repeats His basic message of repentance many times on many different occasions. He also repeats details of His forthcoming death, but again on a number of different occasions. But to say the same words in the same setting – I can’t recall any other such incident. But if He says something twice, it must be something we need to hear!

The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree is, I think, a two-fold message, both messages implied and neither fully stated. First there is a call for us to bear fruit, to repent and turn to the Lord. He has waited three years to see fruit on the tree (and in our lives), but He will not wait forever. Don’t let yourself be cut down (like the fig tree) because of your stubbornness or pride – do it now!

Second, I think there is a message on the power of prayer. Clearly the owner has the final say on whether the tree should be cut down, but he has listened to the vinedresser and the vinedresser has put forth a good argument. There is no closing statement that the owner listened to the vinedresser, but in my mind I can see him giving a quiet nod and then walking away. God listens to prayer. The Lord listened to Abraham when he tried to negotiate over the destruction of Sodom (Genesis 18). He also listened to Moses when He was ready to destroy the Israelites over the Golden Calf incident. He granted Hezekiah’s request for a longer life. Finally, Jesus listened to His mother at Cana. Our Lord listens to our prayers!

Slava Bohu!