Matthew 4:23-25
“Notice what you notice.” In putting these readings together I’ve mostly followed the ordering in The Chronological Study Bible (edited only for length of passage). However, today is the first case I’ve found where I could have done better. It’s a small matter, but…
In today’s reading Matthew speaks in broad generalities with respect to (a) Jesus’ activities, they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and pains, those oppressed by demons, those having seizures, and paralytics, and he healed them (v. 24) and (b) His geography, And great crowds followed him from Galilee and the Decapolis, and from Jerusalem and Judea, and from beyond the Jordan (v. 25). Mark and Luke are more specific in the next two days’ readings, however, following the past two day’s readings with Now in the morning (Mark 1:35) and Now when it was day (Luke 4:42). So my re-ordering of readings would be the 14th and the 15th, then the 13th.
Beyond that, the one item that I noticed today was that Jesus was proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom (v. 23). Back in verse 17 His preaching had been Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Is there a difference here? We think of the Gospel, the “good news” as the salvation message, much of what verse 23 would imply. By contrast, verse 17 is word-for-word John the Baptist’s message of repentance (Mt. 3:2). Sorry, no wisdom here, just an observation…
Incidentally, my other Study Bible notes that the phrase, “kingdom of heaven” is mentioned only in Matthew, but that it occurs 32 times therein. Mark and Luke refer to “kingdom of God”, a phrase used only four times in Matthew. Again, is there a difference?
Slava Bohu!!