Proverbs 29:1-14
He who is often reproved, yet stiffens his neck,
Proverbs 29:1
will suddenly be broken beyond healing.
This proverb brings to mind the Exodus. God sends Moses to tell Pharaoh to release the people of Israel from slavery, but Pharaoh repeatedly refuses, despite devastating plagues. Again and again he hardens his heart — or stiffens his neck — until the firstborn sons of all the Egyptians are killed in the first Passover. Then he finally relents and lets the people go, only to again harden his heart and chase them to the Red Sea, where the Lord parts the waters and lets the Israelites pass through on dry ground. Pharaoh’s army gives chase, but the Lord brings the waters back onto Pharaoh’s army, drowning the whole army in the sea — suddenly broken beyond healing. (See Exodus 1-14.)
But Pharaoh is not the only example from the Exodus; so are the people of Israel. They also repeatedly show themselves to be stiff-necked. They complain against God and quickly turn away from Him, worshipping the golden calf while Moses is on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments. The Lord responds with repeated reproofs, but they go on to faithlessly refuse to enter the Promised Land, and so God makes them wander in the wilderness for forty years until that entire generation (except faithful Joshua and Caleb) die out — broken beyond healing.
Let’s not be so stiff-necked. Let’s listen to reproof and learn from our (and others’) mistakes. Let’s walk with the Lord and not against Him. Let’s not be broken beyond healing. (See Psalm 95.)