June 6 / Hosea 1-5:7

Hosea 1-5:7

Adultery. Harlotry. Whoredom.

That is how the LORD describes Israel’s unfaithfulness to Him, and He uses Hosea’s relationship with his unfaithful wife, Gomer, to illustrate the point in dramatic fashion. Israel should be utterly devoted to her one true God — as a wife to her husband — but she is not. Israel runs after other gods (e.g., the Baals), believing that they give her all the things she enjoys — food and drink, clothing and wealth — forgetting that it is the LORD Who actually provides it all. (Hos. 2:5,8) Hosea’s family life illustrates not only Israel’s unfaithfulness, but also the LORD’s love and compassion for her, His desire to win her back, His desire to shower her with blessing.

If only she would listen…

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1 Comment

  1. Hosea is a vivid portrayal of the sad tendency of all of us to settle for less than the beautiful gifts of God. Sigh.

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