November 9 / Matthew 22:23-23:39; Mark 12:18-44; Luke 20:27-21:4

Matthew 22:23-33; Mark 12:18-27; Luke 20:27-40;
Matthew 22:34-46; Mark 12:28-37; Luke 20:41-44;
Matthew 23:1-39; Mark 12:38-44; Luke 20:45-21:4

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!

Matthew 23:13a,15a,23a,25a,27a,29a

Jesus gives the scribes and Pharisees quite a tongue lashing, calling them hypocrites, blind guides, whitewashed tombs, a brood of vipers. How is it, then, that we can read these words and still so often live more like the Pharisees than like Jesus? Might a little self-evaluation be in order? Let Matthew 23 roll around in your head today and see whether anything Jesus says finds its mark in you yourself. To that end, have a listen to “Alas for You”, the Godspell musical version of this chapter.

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