October 3 / Luke 21:5-19

Luke 21:5-19 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” I’ve gone back and forth on this “destruction of Jerusalem” vs. “end of the age” issue, but my Study Bible helped out this morning. It suggested that much of verses 8-18 in today’s reading could easily apply to both of these …

October 2 / Mark 13:24-31

Mark 13:24-31 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” But in those days, after that tribulation… (v. 24) These few words reflect back to the “tribulation” mentioned in verse 19. Then verse 24 goes on to talk of the sun, the moon, and the stars, and the powers in the …

October 1 / Mark 13:14-23

Mark 13:14-23 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” I don’t recall any of the Synoptics’ “duplicate” writings that we have read so far that have been so word-for-word as Matthew and Mark on today’s reading, “The Abomination of Desolation”. So, what to say?? I thought I’d look at verse …

October 2019 Readings

Date Reading(s) Verses 01-Oct Mark 13:14-23 10 02-Oct Mark 13:24-31 8 03-Oct Luke 21:5-19 15 04-Oct Luke 21:20-33 14 05-Oct Matt. 24:36-44 9 06-Oct Matt. 24:45-51 7 07-Oct Matt. 25:1-13 13 08-Oct Matt. 25:14-30 17 09-Oct Matt. 25:31-46 16 10-Oct Mark 13:32-37 6 11-Oct Luke 21:34-38 5 12-Oct John 12:20-26 7 13-Oct John 12:27-36 10 …

September 30 / Mark 13:1-13

Mark 13:1-13 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” So, a few moons ago I was taking up an offense for Andrew not being included with Peter, James, and John at the Transfiguration. Now in today’s reading he is included in those few (four) with whom Jesus is speaking “privately” …

September 29 / Matt. 24:29-35

Matthew 24:29-35 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” So today Jesus is responding to that second question that the disciples posed in verse 3: …and what will be the sign of your coming… Jesus answers that question in verses 29 to 31. I can envision a lot of that, …

September 28 / Matt. 24:15-28

Matthew 24:15-28 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” I’ve read these end-time prophesies hundreds of times and heard a lot about the great tribulation and the rapture – never knowing just exactly what I believed about all that. Different writers have it all explained and come to different conclusions. …

September 27 / Matt. 24:1-14

Matthew 24:1-14 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” The disciples asked Jesus three questions: …when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age? (v. 3b) Today He is answering the third question, the “end of the age”. …

September 26 / Luke 20:45-21:4

Luke 20:45-21:4 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” I’ve probably noticed it before: …who devour widows’ houses… (v. 47), but never really thought about it. Is Jesus saying that the scribes are able to take advantage of uneducated Jewish widows, promising them “whatever”, then taking ownership or control of …

September 25 / Mark 12:38-44

Mark 12:38-44 Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty. “Notice what you notice.” The Widow’s Mite. Jesus is commending this widow, who put in only about one penny – but it was all that she had to live on. However, I don’t think he was condemning or chastising those who were giving more. He …