I Timothy 4:6-11
… for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. (v. 8) I hope and trust that I am pursuing godliness – that I have even moved somewhat along that scale to some level of godliness here on earth. And presuming that I have moved in that direction, I can lay full claim to the second half of that verse, that godliness “holds promise” for this life and the next. I have often made that argument in sharing my faith with others. It’s something that I learned a year or more prior to my own born-again experience. My friend, Jim, was a freshman at the University of Illinois when I met him; I was a sophomore and five years his senior. He began at that early age and persisted in sharing his faith with me for three and a half years before I accepted Jesus’ Lordship in my life. Somewhere along that time line I considered Jim’s life compared to mine. And long story short, while I thought (hoped??) that I would probably attain to heaven when I died, I was certain that Jim had a guaranteed entry. But more than that, Jim was extremely happy in his earthly life – without the drinking and partying that was more my life. That is, Jim was pursuing godliness and it was blessing him in this life – and he was fully prepared for the next. That comparison stuck with me and I’m sure had an impact in my eventually surrendering my life to the Lord. Yes, folks, “godliness is of value”!!
Slava Bohu!