Acts 6:1-7
I’ve known it already, but it always strikes me nicely that the Greek widows were complaining and that the deacons chosen all had Greek names. But further today I noticed that (it may have been that) the apostles stepped back from that decision. The apostles had said, “Therefore, brethren, select from among you… (v. 3a), with a verse 6 follow-up, And these they brought before the apostles… So it looks to me like the apostles were willing to go with whatever the “congregation of the disciples” (v. 2) decided. Intriguing.
The church growth is again mentioned, now twice in these seven verses (vv. 1, 7). But beyond the numerical growth, as I mentioned a few days ago, (even) …a great many of the priests were becoming obedient to the faith. (v. 7). This is huge! It’s not just the common people, even priests are hearing and believing! But reflect on that a bit. The priests are very learned in their Jewish heritage and faith while the apostles (Peter and John), in the eyes of the Council, were “uneducated and untrained men” (Acts 4:13). Their training came from their time with Jesus and from the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Every time I come up with something that I had not seen before, even though I’ve read these verses maybe hundreds of times, I thank the Holy Spirit for opening my eyes. We need more Holy Spirit power in our lives!
Slava Bohu!