Genesis 6
Dear RTB’ers,
Noah, the ark and the flood. The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (v. 5) This verse, from thousands of years ago, sadly, rings true today. We would like to believe that we are somewhat set apart from this global “condemnation”, that every intention of the thoughts of his heart does not apply to us, that although we are fallen, we know that we are still seeking the Lord. We would like to think that we are among those who walk with God (v. 9b), as did Noah. But even as I imagine all that for myself, I realize that I am grading on a curve. Yeah, I may not be among the most despicable men on the face of the earth, but I know that I am corrupt in the eyes of a holy God. But because I live on this side of the Cross and Resurrection, I also know that my many shortcomings are forgiven, that I have been redeemed. Maybe not “every intention”, but way too many!
Carol and I were having a discussion recently about how much God knows of the future (and how far into the future), how much He knows of our future behaviors. Verse 6 seems to counter that notion: And the LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. Verse 7b then repeats that refrain: …for I am sorry that I have made them. Did God really not anticipate man’s corruption? Had he not anticipated Adam and Eve disobeying Him? How much does He know of our futures? Does He know where I will be at this time next year? Is it already marked how many years I will spend in this life? Questions for the more theologically-minded!!
See also: January 2 (2023) / Genesis 4-6