Mark 14:53-72
Regularly I try to put myself into the story and to visualize the words and actions that I am reading. In today’s reading we have Peter following Jesus …at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest. And he was sitting with the guards and warming himself at the fire. (v.54b) I see Peter’s aggressive personality at work here, first cutting off the high priest’s servant’s ear, then following the crowd discreetly so as to see what would become of his Master, then boldly, brazenly entering the courtyard of the high priest – clearly a “foreigner” in that crowd of temple officers and guards and household servants. Then after being challenged by a servant girl he leaves this crowd and moves closer to Jesus, to the “forecourt” (or porch). I daresay the he moved closer, not to avoid a further challenge, but because he had heard the commotion inside – the verbal abuse and the people in the room slapping and taunting Jesus. I can imagine that he was troubled at Jesus being treated so rudely. His love for Jesus left him unafraid to move closer to Him. Unfortunately the rooster crowing and two more denials and another crowing overwhelmed him and he broke down and soon thereafter departed. I feel sorry for Peter, such a conflicted person…
See also: November 19 / Mark 14:53-72