Luke 7:18-35
When we read these Matthew and Luke accounts on consecutive days we see how very similar they are – which makes the differences between them more pronounced. As happened to me two years ago, verses 29 and 30 caught my eye: When all the people heard this, and the tax collectors too, they declared God just, having been baptized with the baptism of John, but the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected the purpose of God for themselves, not having been baptized by him. Sadly, the Pharisees (lawyers) rejected the purpose of God for themselves. That is such a sad statement. Still, I constantly am sympathetic to their plight. Both John and Jesus were turning the Pharisees’ “church” on its end, bringing new activities, new testimonies, new converts. What to make of these new upstarts? However, the evidence was there before them – Jesus recounting what He had done for the blind, the lame, the lepers, the deaf, the dead and the poor. They simply could not ignore Jesus – but they also could not embrace Him!
What struck me further in these two verses is whether or not we are “rejecting the purpose of God for ourselves”. But maybe we put this burden too easily on ourselves. Maybe not… But I’m thinking about the hundreds of people we know who are in fact “rejecting the purpose of God for themselves”. God created each and every one of us to love Him and to serve Him and others. Each one of us, both the lost and the found, have a purpose from God in our having been created. But far too many out there reject His purpose in their lives. They ignore or reject His call on their lives and in the world around them. Carol and I constantly have four of our brothers in mind (two each), almost daily, as they continue to reject Jesus – even though they were raised like us and know of His death, His resurrection, His salvation. We know that part of “our purpose” is reaching out to them, even though their responses can be heated. We pray – and wait.
See also: March 30 / Luke 7:18-35