Matthew 11:2-19
I got my undergraduate degree from a public institution, the University of Illinois. I was pleased to learn that this public institution offered a pair of Old and New Testament courses as fulfilling the Humanities General Studies requirement (and I certainly did not want to take Shakespeare courses!). It was in this NT course (taken out of sequence) that I wrote a paper about John the Baptist entitled “Born of Woman, No Man Greater”. That paper marked the beginning of my study of the Bible. It was also because of this NT course that I met a young man (Jim) who later led me to the Lord. We were in a Chemistry class together and I had brought my NT textbook, the Oxford Annotated Bible to class with me. Jim had already taken the NT course and recognized the OAB. That book started a conversation that terminated some three years later with my “born again” experience. So today’s reading brings back happy memories for me.
And again, David mentioned this very reading in his sermon today. Echo!!
See also: March 29 / Matt. 11:2-19