Matthew 8:5-13 and John 4:46-54
Today and tomorrow we have three accounts of Jesus healing a young man “from afar”. Matthew (today) and Luke (tomorrow) have very similar accounts; most scholars believe them to be recounting the same incident. John’s account (also today) is quite different from the other two; to my mind these are two separate healings, one recorded in Matthew and Luke, the other in John. I see only three similarities – in both incidents a (1) young boy/man (2) living in Capernaum is healed (3) “from afar”. The differences are many; I note a number of them in the second link below. But in addition, the incident begins with Jesus in Capernaum in Matthew and Luke, while He is in Cana in John’s gospel. The most profound difference, as I mention below, is the centurion’s speech, “Lord, I am not worthy…”. We easily embrace his words.
…many will come from east and west and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven… (Mt. 8:11) Can you imagine dinner with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Or pick another set of names: Peter, James, and John; Martha, Mary, and Lazarus; Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea; Paul, Silas, and Barnabas; Matthew, Mark, and Luke. I would personally like to break bread with the two disciples whom Jesus met while they were walking along the road to Emmaus – to listen to them as they tell me of Jesus opening the Old Testament scriptures to them (Luke 24:13-35). But also, to dine again with Mary Ann Duddy, Millie Rodes, and Mim Stambaugh… GLORY!! And it’s ours to grasp, folks. Write your own dream; Jesus is waiting for you with outstretched arms. GLORY!!
See also: March 26 / Matt. 8:5-13; March 28 / John 4:46-54